Every day I understand more and more that Doctor Josef Mengele and Doctor Shiro Ishii were not really aberrations in the medical field.  They just went a little further than most down the path of ideology corruption than most doctors.

COVID has proven that a lot, with doctors often being some of the most histrionic Covidians.

But this insanity, that takes the cake.

He’s attributing real a cute problems with real treatments to nebulous climate change.

This is not medicine.  This is neo-voodoo.

I swear, as people’s fear in COVID wanes and doctors who have become addicted to authority are consulted less, they will need something else to keep them relevant.

Climate change is that thing.

You will see more if this.

We’re a year, maybe six months out, from some doctors essentially saying Climate Change makes people sick by disrupting their bodily humors.

When that happens I’m going to start a homeopathic clinic for Climate Change patients.

My cure will be copious amounts of castor oil and blistering with irons.


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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Tell me again how we should always trust medical professionals as impartial and incorruptible”
  1. All humans search for meaning, for an answer to “why we’re here”. Lacking God, or some higher power, leftist latch on to whatever cause comes along, from the population time bomb in the 1960s, to global cooling In the 1970s, nuclear armageddon in the 1980s, to Y2K, global warming, and now covid. It’s a death cult.

  2. I personally hoped phrenology was going to make a come back. Instead we get:
    ‘Gun violence is a public health crises’
    CDC.gov, ‘Climate Effects on Health’, “In the U.S., public health can be affected by disruptions of physical, biological, and ecological systems, including disturbances originating here and elsewhere. The health effects of these disruptions include increased respiratory and cardiovascular disease, injuries and premature deaths related to extreme weather events, changes in the prevalence and geographical distribution of food- and water-borne illnesses and other infectious diseases, and threats to mental health.”

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