Story number one:

Sex offender Cary Smith relocates to Garden Grove after multiple moves in SoCal

While Smith was confined to a mental hospital, he testified to having fantasies about raping and killing young boys, according to the Orange County District Attorney’s Office. He also said he liked to go by Mr. RTK, standing for rape, torture, kill.

Because of this, the police keep having to move him around for his protection.

Each community where he has moved has protested his presence and demanded he leave. In Lake Elsinore, an angry group showed up at the motel where he was staying and deputies had to keep them from going inside to confront Smith.

Almost got him.

Story number 2:

Montana man accused of over 60 child sex abuse crimes gets one-year sentence

A man in Montana who was initially charged with more than 60 counts of child sex abuse has received a deferred one-year sentence after agreeing to a plea deal, according to reports.

Later that August, state prosecutors filed 64 counts of sexual abuse of children against Miller after investigators allegedly found images of child pornography and bestiality on his phone and laptop, the Great Falls Tribune reported. Police received a search warrant on his home after Miller allegedly began calling people from jail asking them to destroy his phone, KFBB reported.

The egregious nature of the sexual horrors committed by these two men, I believe earns them honorary membership in the Screen Actors Guild and Producers Guild of America.

I know, as a matter of fact, that lynch mobs are wrong.

As a father, if both of these men were ended up going feet first through a wood chipper, I’d write it off as an accident and not bother with an investigation.


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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “Testing Miguel’s resolve against lynch mobs”
  1. Our laws are designed for “average” criminals. These two, one would hope, are not “average.” So the existing framework is going to leave something to be desired in their cases.

    Things like plea deals don’t help, either, especially in cases like these; but that’s probably a different topic of discussion.

    1. I am too. However, should some animal rape my 5 year old son, it would be my duty as a father to make sure that the bad man could never again hurt my little boy. There are some things that I could not simply walk away from.

  2. In the first case, what was the “sex offender” guilty of? The pull quotes only say he was fantasying. That seems like a safer outlet than doing. If he had been convicted and done his time, he is a free man, the sex offender title will stay with him, and we can use that to protect our children. But it isn’t a blank check to forever kick him out of where ever he is living.

    If he re-offends, then chop his balls off, feed it to him and be done with it.

    In the second case, what the heck was the prosecutor thinking? And why hadn’t the police already investigated his phone? It certainly feels like a horrible miscarriage of justice.

    To put this in perspective, my “best” friend turned out to be a kiddy diddler. His step daughter reported him and he was arrested. There was significant evidence that he was guilty of what he was accused. In the end the judge sentenced him to something like four 30 year sentences to be served sequentially. And the judge set it up so that it wasn’t a 120 year sentence. Thus, when he finishes that first 30 years, such as getting out on probation, that’s when the second sentence kicks in.

    I was being interviewed by the detective investigating. He asked “What do you think should happen to him?” My reply was simple “After he is found guilty in a court of law and sentenced, they should place him in genpop.”

    The detective looked at me and flinched. He and I both understood my sentence was a sentence of torture and then death for the perpetrator.

    1. “The Orange County District Attorney’s Office in 2002 filed 20 felony counts of lewd and lascivious acts with a minor against him(Cary Smith), but the charges were dismissed due to the statute of limitations.”

      “During those hearings, Smith has repeatedly testified that he fantasizes about raping and then killing young boys in order to avoid being identified. He claims that he has killed three boys and molested 200,” the DA’s office said in a statement Tuesday. Whether those claims have ever been substantiated is unclear.

      Murder has no statute of limitations. California needs to find those three children and build a case. Or convince Smith to be committed to a hospital again.

      1. Thank you for your Google foo. I should have done my own research.

        One of the big changes to statute of limitations is to make them much longer for crimes against children. There have been a number of cases where the children did not report the abuse or assaults until they were adults.

        By then those statute of limitations makes it hard to convict. A number of States are setting the start of the statute of limitations to be when the victim turns 18.

        There is a saying around here “don’t mess with him, he owns a shotgun and a backhoe” that might apply in this case.

        1. While certain crimes are abhorrent, I have always disagreed with making the Statute of Limitations longer. That statute is there to make sure that all parties can find the records and witnesses that they need for their defense. If the prosecutor can simply wait 15 years to file charges, how hard will it be for the falsely accused to find a witness, toll records, and other evidence that places them miles away from the scene of the crime for which they are being prosecuted?

          1. It is a balancing act. I agree with you that statute of limitations that get long are painful. I messed up my taxes. IRS waited till 4 months before statute of limitations would have kicked in then sent a demand letter with HUGE penalties. (Penalties were 10 times what I was short on the payment) By that point I couldn’t have found the records needed to prove I had paid enough. I was hooked.

            On the other hand, crimes against children end up in a different side of the balancing act. Statute of limitations for felony sex crimes varies by state with some as longer than 21 and some as short as 3 years.

            That means that if a child is raped by one of these monsters in those states at age 8, by the time they turn 18 the statute of limitations has run out in a number of states.

            My actual counter proposal is that any person that is accused of rape and is found not guilty (maybe at some level?) will cause an immediate charge of “False Accusation of Rape” against the person making the accusation. If that person is found to have willfully or knowingly lied about the accusation, they will be found guilty and sentenced to the same punishment minimums as for rape.

            My lady and I have had this discussion. There are too many people that don’t report sexual assault and too many people that falsely accuse others of rape. There has to be balance and I don’t know what the right answer is.

    2. Yup. Peter Grant, in his book Walls, Wire, Bars, and Souls, notes that sex offenders (especially kiddy diddlers) are at such risk in prison they’ll often be issued a false jacket (record) to keep them alive.

      Unfortunately, the prison grapevine is really good at ferreting that sort of thing out, and there’s a LOT of guys on the inside who (a) suffered child abuse, and (b) are serving sentences that make any further crimes a moot point. And in a few cases (c) even their evil has standards.

      The result, of course, is ‘hilarity ensues’.

  3. Case 2: Here is part of the second case, part that the prosecutor did not include in the plea deal:

    “In February 2019, Miller was accused of raping a 14-year-old girl. He was also accused of allowing an 11-year-old boy to rape the same 14-year-old victim while he watched. Authorities also said they found child pornography and images of bestiality on Miller’s cellphone and laptop.”

    Can they lynch the prosecutor next to him please?
    (Or Instead of him?)

    Here is the ONLY CHARGE he was convicted of:

    “The one count of sexual abuse that Miller pleaded guilty to was for obtaining a photograph of a 17-year-old girl, Shiloh Young. Young, who is now 19, married Miller three months ago. She testified that she sent the illicit photographs to Miller to help her overcome her struggles with body image issues.”

    When this pervert scumbag is called a scumbag pervert, he can truthfully state the only thing he was ever convicted of in a court of law was having a nekkid picture of his wife when she was 17. Nothing about bestiality, raping a 14 year old, or lots of child porn pictures is in his conviction.

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