Yimakh shemo ve-zikhro!

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By J. Kb

16 thoughts on “That senile fucking Jew-hating bastard in chief”
  1. Remember, anything on Social Media posted by Biden’s account has nothing to do with that senile hair sniffing ice cream licker. He didn’t write it, he didn’t approve it, and he has no clue why people are looking at bits of glass like they do. Hell, he hardly comprehends why he has to read all those words into that camera thingy, except that Doctor Lady What’shername gives him ice cream after if he’s a good boy.

  2. Why is F. Joee Biden yelling and screaming (well besides the fact he has Alzheimers Dementia and anger Issues)?

    He and his handlers have nothing else. Their political capital is gone, empty, and even Democrats are starting to hate F. Joe Biden.


    My biggest fear is the Democrats are going to martyr F. Joe Biden. Last thing this Nation needs is the assassination of a political figure, but the death of a Democrat Leader could be made the best thing ever for a Democrat Party and their Corporate Masters is to amplify the Democrat program of hate, division, and demonization of the opponents of the Democrat Party. Fear and Hate are the only things the Democrats have left. It is not like the Democrats have anything else like Jobs, Inflation, World Peace, Lower Prices, or success against COVID.

    The Democrats need an Enemy, and White Christian Republicans appear to be their chosen candidate for Public Enemy #1.

    1. That still won’t work, because it’s the Martyrdom of successful, charismatic leaders like JFK that actually resonates.
      I suspect that what we’ll see is the Upcoming Midterm Shellacking of the Democrats will be allowed to happen. Then, someone outside the Admin- who actually has brains and charisma and a common touch- will emerge to ‘lead the party back to the center’.
      It’s what Nixon did in the 60’s, and what Bill Clinton did in the 90’s.
      The question is who will it be. Hillary is trying to put her loathsome self forward, but that broom ain’t flying. I could see Systema emerging as the Savior of the Democrats, especially if she’s willing to play nice with the big corporations.

      1. Fortunately Sinema has become the wicked witch of the Democratic Party for opposing their extremist spending spree. This means the party establishment needs to find another figurehead that is neither a contemporary of the ruling gerontocracy nor a follower of “the squad”.

        1. Oddly enough, being someone openly against the general zeitgeist of one’s own party can result in being the leader later on- especially if they are one of the few who had the ‘right’ opinion right before an electoral disaster.
          Presidents Trump, Nixon, and Regan come to mind, as does Prime Ministers Campbell-Bannerman and Churchill.
          She may be seen as the Witch at the moment- but given a big enough loss this year, she may come to be seen as the way out.

    2. I always feared the same thing for Obama! If he had been assassinated, Republicans would never have seen the WH again!

  3. The title could have been: “tell me the assailant isn’t White, without saying ‘the assailant isn’t White’.”

      1. I love and respect the Orthodox (traditional) Jewish community. Long may they thrive. We’ll all be better off for it.

      2. [i]Those with gentile kids and grandchildren voted Biden.[/i]

        The secular Jews hate Trump because he has the one thing they will never have, Jewish Grandchildren.

  4. Marxist-Leninist agit-prop feeds the masses illogical nonsense, counter intuitive thinking, and irrational conclusions. It takes the normal alarm bells that go off in your head when you hear their high-grade bee-es, and suggests that your own thoughts are flawed and out of favor. For most….mouth breathers..this is the MSM’s current digital flavor of SOMA, for the rest of us, it simply reinforces our utter loathing of the Marxist weasels undermining our Constitutional Republic.

    Keep your powder dry.

  5. Did he jog? I love it when he jogs. I believe his handlers have told him to jog whenever he can to show the American people how young & vibrant he is.

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