There is no hallmark of incompetence more noticeable than when a person surrounded by crisis can only do insubstantial things.

That is Governor Andrew Cuomo.

NYC’s mass COVID-19 exodus cost $34B in lost income, study says

The mass exodus from New York City amid the COVID-19 crisis has cost $34 billion in lost income, according to a new study released Tuesday.

About 3.57 million people fled New York City between Jan. 1 and Dec. 7 this year — and they were replaced by some 3.5 million people earning lower average incomes, the findings from Unacast said.

Tribeca, population 20,000, took the biggest hit out of the three — with a net loss of 3,500 residents — equaling a net income loss of $1 billion.

The more than 8,000 residents who bolted from the well-heeled ‘hood in downtown Manhattan earned an average income of about $140,000, Walle said. The typical person moving into the area earned an average of $82,000.

New Yorkers with means are leaving and fewer people with less money are moving in.  Consequently, businesses are feeling the hit from fewer people with less disposable income.

Retail and restaurants have also taken a considerable hit under COVID-19 safety restrictions this year, the company said.

There was 33 percent less retail foot traffic compared to last year and 34 percent fewer people in restaurants.

Unacast blamed those numbers on new residents earning less.

New York City is dying.  COVID lockdowns, bad governance, crime, all have the people who pay the taxes and invest in the city leaving and taking their money with them.

This is how cities die.

What is Governor Cuomo doing about this?

Cuomo signs bill banning sale of Confederate flags

Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed a bill into law aimed at banning the sale of “hate symbols” such as the Confederate Flag or the Swastika on state property — even while admitting the new edict might clash with the First Amendment and be struck down as unconstitutional.

The new law — effective immediately — prohibits the sale of hate symbols on public grounds including state and local fairs, and also severely limits their display unless deemed relevant to serving an educational or historical purpose.

But Cuomo said the rule likely needs “certain technical changes” so the Empire State doesn’t get caught treading upon free speech protections codified in the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment.

“This country faces a pervasive, growing attitude of intolerance and hate — what I have referred to in the body politic as an American cancer,” Cuomo wrote in his approval message.

“By limiting the display and sale of the confederate flag, Nazi swastika and other symbols of hatred from being displayed or sold on state property, including the state fairgrounds, this will help safeguard New Yorkers from the fear-installing effects of these abhorrent symbols.”

He passes an admittedly unconstitutional bill which is an almost entirely symbolic gesture that will do functionally nothing to help the state.

“This will help safeguard New Yorkers from the fear-installing effects of these abhorrent symbols.”

How will this help them with the real fear that they will be pushed in front of a subway since the number of subway shovings has doubled since last year.

How does this help with the fact that in New York, anti-Semitic hate crimes have reached a 40 year high, considering that most of the people attacking the Jews in New York are black or Muslim immigrants?

New York is falling apart.  Crime is at record highs and the people who fund the city are pulling chocks and getting out and all the LuvGuv can do is useless bullshit.

Good thing his brother works for CNN and he can make bank on a book about his fantastic leadership.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “That’ll fix everything”
      1. California tried this with people who worked in CA and then retired out of state.

        Didn’t work, in the end, but I think it had to go to the Supreme Court to get shot down.

  1. This affects all of us with the influx of carpetbaggers. Are there some conservative people amidst the refugees? Sure. But how many of that 3.57 million are bringing their destructive politics with them to places that have gotten along fine without them?

    More and more, I’m finding myself agreeing with the sentiment “You ain’t from around here…”

  2. No mention of lockdowns or protests driving anyone out so they must not have been a contributing factor /sarc

  3. So Cuomo admits in the open press that he is a felon. After all, as a condition for entering public office he is required to swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. Now he explicitly stated that he’s put in place a law that he knows violates that Constitution. This is perjury, which is a felony, which should earn him (a) impeachment, removal, and disqualification, (b) a long term in Federal prison.

  4. New Yorkers can’t buy a nazi flag (on state property) but deBlasio can threaten to permanently close synagogues in defiance of the US supreme Court.

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