An article appearing on today asserted that Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) is working on a bill with the NRA that would implement universal background checks.
NRA does NOT support universal background checks and is not working with Manchin to implement this type of legislation. NRA opposes, and will continue to oppose, universal background checks and registration schemes.
We will see this more and more in the days that are coming. Always double check sources before reaching any conclusions and passing along the info. In this era of Social Media, this kind of stuff propagates lightning-fast.
And if you already screwed it up, make the correction! No shame on correcting one’s mistakes 🙂
Hey Big Guy! After reading so much about Sandy Hook, Newtown,Ct., is there any one(or two) sites that report the truth without the media mistakes? Thanks for all you do.:-)
Truth be told, no idea from the media. I guess a final report from the police will be available sometime in the future.
“politics of division” is right! My hunter buddies tell me Feinstein’s bill won’t affect them…that they don’t need semi-autos, much less black rifles. At my shooting club, the skeet/sporting clay folks long ago separated themselves from the hunters. You’da thought I put a Tootsie Roll in the punchbowl when I wore a blaze orange vest, started from the low-mount position on the skeet range, and re-shot positions that most mimic real-world shots. (Even though I didn’t exceed my 25-bird limit.) And when I suggested that an online merchant I frequent not show photos of snail magazines, I really caught hell.
I’m saying we all need to put our best image forward. (Folks selling the Kennedy Carcano, I’m talking to you.)
Wear a coat and tie to grandma’s funeral and don’t open that beer until she’s in the ground.
Seriously, we hang together or we hang separately.
Here’s what I—the Tootsie Roll in the punch bowl guy—think is an article worth reading:
Joe… ask them about their sniper rifles and armor piercing ammunition. After they give you the “HUH?” look, explain to them why they better start buying KY jelly by the gallon.
Yeah, the hunters (I’m one) don’t understand: They’re next. Should, God forbid, someone use a scoped rife for a high-profile murder, hunters will join the current group. Like the man said: Hang together or separately. (Hanging would be preferable to KY jelly. I don’t let the doc do that since I discovered the docs’ assessments don’t correlate with themselves, much less each other.)