ONE vaccination site somewhere where “rich people” live in the whole state of Florida! He must be impeached! [/sarcasm]

Of course, no comments about just the 490 pharmacy locations across 52 counties available through the state. And that does not take in account hospitals, parks and stadiums that have been converted in vaccination sites. As of right now, Florida only lacks the product because the places with trained personnel and people willing to be vaccinated are ready for business. I truthfully hope it is just transportation delays because of winter and not because some member of the DC Executive decided to punish Florida for doing well while ignoring what the “science” said he was supposed to do.

This “:attack” only means they are deadly afraid of DeSantis and the next Presidential elections. If they are begging PedoJoe to relinquish the Nuclear Football and Kamala is doing the talking with foreign dignitaries, they are afraid that their voters realize they were sold a shitty bill of goods and that Trump was right all along.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “The Big Late Night Host lamely goes after DeSantis”
  1. This “attack” only means they are deadly afraid of DeSantis and the next Presidential elections.

    As the saying goes, “If you’re getting flak, you must be close to the target.”

    DeSantis is putting the lie to every bit of “settled science” and “medical advice” from the so-called “experts”. But his “crime” isn’t so much that he defied those “experts”, kept Florida open, or distributed the vaccine to the most vulnerable. If that was it, they’d just blame all the extra deaths on him and his policy.

    No, his “crime” is that it’s working so well. Vaccination rates are high and deaths are low, all without increasing government power and control or restricting the citizens’ freedoms.

    1. Don’t forget his order to fly the flag at half mast in honor of Rush. I see the Ag Secretary refused to go along with it and had to throw her own tantrum.

  2. After the fuckery in Texas covered in my post this morning I would be inclined to believe that the Biden administration is throttling the vaccine supply to Florida to make DeSantis look bad.

  3. Your response is EXACTLY the type of disinformation that got Parler deplatformed, and will get Fox, OANN, and Newsmax removed from cable systems nationwide.

      1. pkoning: I believe CBMTTek is referring to Miguel’s response on Twitter (pictured above). Daring to tell the whole story, and not just the cherry-picked example chosen to make the Republican look like the Devil incarnate.

        Allowing all sides is what offended the Left enough to de-platform Parler, and what the Left will use to justify de-platforming FOX News, OANN, Newsmax, etc.

        The Narrative [TM] must not be questioned!

  4. And Swappin Charlie (D- Morgan & Morgan) is also crying for an investigation into the whole “prioritizing the most at risk” thing.
    Can we tar, feather, and run him out of the state already?

    1. The implication of the argument he and other idiots are pushing is that you cannot protect the most vulnerable people, if they also happen to be your voters.

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