The toppling of the George Washington Statue.

The last one is particularly instructional. Same as the Whites, Blacks are not natives of the land, but apparently one color can stay and the other must be removed. Or maybe is one color at the time and Blacks are next.

There is not a true sensible ideology behind this chaos.  It is just destruction for the sake of raising confusion and play what the way the puppet masters want them to play.

I am waiting for houses of “Wrongpeople” to be set on fire.

That is coming.

They want an October Revolution, but it will happen in November and my bet is not the one outcome they want.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “The Bolsheviks are running around unimpeded”
  1. I see that the NYT’s 1619 project is having its desired effect.

    It’s lesson is:

    America wasn’t founded on the principles of liberty and individual rights, and that it just has taken a while for those principles to be fully embraced for all people as we have had to overcome individual human prejudices.

    America is a nation founded on the principles of racism, white supremacy, and slavery and it is forever corrupted by that and is irredeemable.

    The only point of that historical fiction is to make people hate America and everything American.

    1. The Left has been great at playing the long game but I think Trump managed to break them so thoroughly that they’ve blown their collective wad and rushed things way too much. The 1619 Project would have been much more successful if they’d let it play out for a generation. The dissolution of American history can’t be accomplished when people still remember the actual history. There are too many people, vast swathes of them, who simply won’t tolerate living under the yoke of Bolshevik terrorists and racist Democrats. Too much of the voting block still remembers the hideous evil of the Soviet Union, and knows what China is actually like despite the efforts of the CCP’s American propaganda arm (every mainstream news outlet) to cover up their atrocities. So it’s an impasse. Where does it go from here? I suspect we all know already, as unpleasant as the realization is.

  2. An organized insurrection, people are seeing it, seeing is believing. Despite the media attempting to portray them as a majority, they ain’t.

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