There is literally no reason to do this.

Canadian lumber is not threatening American lumber.

We are in such a housing crunch that our lumber industry is working at capacity at still can’t keep up with demand.

This hurts everyone who buys lumber from home builders to small businesses to individuals, and that is the point.

The price of lumber, just like the price of gas, is something you feel so you will be made to feel it.

Fuck you poors.


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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “The core philosophy of the Biden Administration is “f**k you poors!””
  1. Tree huggers at work? Remember this is the same Democratic party that in years past declared war on loggers.

    I wonder how they think houses are supposed to be built. No lumber… no concrete (not green enough), no steel (not green enough). Adobe might work in some places, but not so much in Seattle or NH.

    1. The left hates extractive industries. Remember the “we don’t want that in our state” when Nevada went after ranchers? They hate farming, ranching, mining, fishing, and timber.

      Some of it comes from the Green cult; I think most of it comes from them not wanting property owners to profit from their property.

  2. I’ve actually had to explain to various progressives( yes this has happened multiple times) that trees are a renewable resource that farmers grow new ones after they cut down trees used for lumber.

    This is what happens to a civilization when the people running it don’t know where food comes from or how things are made.

  3. I wonder how the “tree huggers” feel here now that we have outlawed those eeeevvvviillll plastic bags and gone back to PAPER made from TREES….
    In the 90s they went from paper to plastic because ZOMG those poor trees bein clear cut to make paper bags!!!!! Now here in maine they clear cut forests to put up solar farms…. Apparently THATS ok.
    democrats ruin everything….

    1. Oregon recently passed a tax of 5¢ on every bag a customer uses when buying anything from any store (customers using SNAP benefits to purchase food are exempted). I’d say the overwhelming majority of customers I deal with every day do not understand that this is a tax and not the store selling them the bag.

  4. On the upshot, between this and the spiking costs in fuel and food, it’s becoming impossible for the normies to not notice we’re hip deep in the shitter.

  5. It’s as if the Biden Administration inherited an economic “bear” market (which is common when power changes hands), polled a bunch of people in each industry and asked what they could do to improve their sectors of the economy …

    … and then decided to do the exact opposite of every suggestion.

    Inflation is at a 30-year high, and I’d say they couldn’t drive it higher if they tried, but I suspect the Biden Administration would then have a “Hold my beer” moment.

  6. I thought progressives loved Canada, because they’re like super uber progressive.
    They even have a Kennedy spawn* as PM!
    And yet, Brandon’s handlers take every opportunity to mess them up.

    Maybe Gropey Joe is holding a grudge that Mama Trudeau wouldn’t put out for him?

    *or Castro spawn. His mom got around a lot.

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