The headline reads: Feijoo demands supplies to the Government: “I am worried that a country of 47 million people can’t buy them.”

Alberto Núñez Feijóo  current President of the Regional Government of Galicia, sort of like the governor of a state. Galicia is where my parents came from and where I still have some kin living there, so I have been keeping an eye.

But to put it simply, they are overwhelmed in Spain.  I stayed up late doing some work and took a break to check on the papers there. Madrid is the worse as doctors are basically doing the Death Panel triage and denying care to anybody they think would not live 2 years past healing. As you can imagine, most of the sick are elderly in assisted living facilities and unfortunately most of the dead because (and according to people working there) the government is not even bothering to come to the locales to pick up the sick or even to administer test to detect the virus. They are being left to die in their rooms and since they were not tested, they are tagged as dying of pneumonia.  Padding the stats?

And it is getting worse for the elderly and it is directly related to the supply chain. Workers of these facilities are starting to abandon them because they do not have protection equipment and obviously they do not want to catch the virus, specially if they have their own elderly at home. The director of one facility complained that they had ordered masks over a week ago and still they have not received them. In another facility, they even paid for them, but the government “requisitioned” them from the supplier and they were down to use kitchen rubber gloves.

It seems Spain is on its way to surpass Italy on the Coronavirus clusterfuck. These countrie, probably all countries got caught with their pants down and are unable to rise up thanks to Socialized Medicine and a Central Government, both live for form rather than function.

And the other thing is that the response was planned around the data China provided and which apparently is not as truthful as it should have been in order to save face.

After this is over, the world is gonna have to figure what to do with the Chinese Government in toto.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “The Curse of a Central Government.”
  1. My good friend’s brother lives in Valencia. My friend was talking with him, he says the Europeans are laughing at Americans over this. I’m assuming because they think we are going to get it even worse? I’m not so sure I’d laugh if I were them. I suspect America’s healthcare system will handle this a lot better than many of the EU nations will.

    1. Their economy was doing a shitty balancing act before this shit got started. They are hoping Germany bails them out and they better pray Merkell does not get kicked out.

  2. What to do with China?

    Stop buying things from them.

    Stop selling things to them.

    Stop using their labor to build things, thereby stop giving them things like technology.

  3. “After this is over, the world is gonna have to figure what to do with the Chinese Government in toto.”

    If they released this virus accidentally, then cut China off from all world trade, quarantine them until the current regime is dead, isolate them worse than North Korea.
    If they released this virus intentionally, Pyongyang should be a nice glowing shade of glass.

    Nowhere do I see a scenario that deserves any leniency toward China or its government.

    1. While we’re at it, we should begin shipping pallets of AR-15’s to Hong Kong for use by protesters. The Communist regime in China can rot in hell.

  4. What to do with china?
    War probably, I think china will insist on it rather than louse the control they have gained. They will probably do something like claim half the pacific so we have to respond. At which point they can distract their people from their screwup with the shitty beer virus by claiming we are the agressors.

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