The Libertarian vice presidential candidate, William F. Weld, said Tuesday that he plans to focus exclusively on blasting Donald Trump over the next five weeks, a strategic pivot aimed at denying Trump the White House and giving himself a key role in helping to rebuild the GOP.
Weld’s comments in a Globe interview mark a major shift in his mission since he pledged at the Libertarian convention in May that he would remain a Libertarian for life and would do all he could to help elect his running mate, Gary Johnson, the former Republican governor of New Mexico…
…Weld, a former Republican governor of Massachusetts, said he is focusing on Trump because, while he disagrees with Hillary Clinton on fiscal and military issues, Trump’s agenda is so objectionable it’s “in a class by itself.”
VP hopeful Weld is more interested in attacking Trump – Boston Globe.
The Libertarian party has officially become a joke. That the VP nominee is plainly saying he is using them as stepping stone for getting to a better position inside the Republican Aristocracy, means he never respected the party or his running mate. Only saving grace is that the GOP is going to be slaughtered by its own doing and they will take Weld with them.
Who knew this was a preview of the things to come?
The LP has had plenty of opportunities over the years which they have squandered. Instead of running serious people with realistic goals they actively seek out crazies who do nothing but embarrass themselves and anyone who believes in limited government. Google “2016 libertarian convention” and see what images come up.
Definitely agree with you on these points! Not only squandering opportunities, but also discrediting the party and those who believe in libertarian principles.
I believe that this year the LP looked at the major party candidates, realized that it had a chance — a small but realistic one — of winning, and chose a stoner and a statist as its presidential candidates to ensure that it wouldn’t have to deal with the icky business of actually governing.
So let me get this straight.
Hillary Clinton has both voiced the desire, and accumulated the power, to dismantle the Bill of Rights should she be given the reigns, has flaunted all laws that get in her way, is the chief enabler of the world’s most famous serial rapist, campaigns on a platform of Feminism while mocking everything that Feminism stands for, psychologically torments rape victims, and sees nothing wrong with committing war crimes in effort to get her critics silenced.
Donald trump is running on a platform of financial stability, has actively defended the Bill of Rights and the Constitution during his campaign, has both performed diplomatic outreach to the nations that Obama’s reign has maligned us to, AND is basically giving national security as the whole reason for his entering the race, has performed outreach to the black, mexican, and gay communities (making him the Republican with the highest approval rate among black voters since LBJ orchestrated the gentler slavery campaign), and at very worst will run the country in the manner of a shrewd businessman.
But it’s Trump whose platform is the unconscionable one?
Honestly, I guess it makes sense. The primary running platform of the Libertarian party this year has been the open-border policy. Securing our national borders would be an unconscionable platform if that’s the case, meaning the Libertarians actively favor Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump or Gary Johnson.
“Donald trump is running on a platform of financial stability, has actively defended the Bill of Rights and the Constitution during his campaign, has both performed diplomatic outreach to the nations that Obama’s reign has maligned us to, AND is basically giving national security as the whole reason for his entering the race, has performed outreach to the black, mexican, and gay communities (making him the Republican with the highest approval rate among black voters since LBJ orchestrated the gentler slavery campaign), and at very worst will run the country in the manner of a shrewd businessman.”
Uh – which universe are you living in? Surely you’re not talking about the same Donald Trump? Donald J. Trump? The same one who’s insulted pretty much every minority group; who claimed a judge was unfit because he had a mexican name, who believes in torture, who’s promises and tax cuts combined would increase the deficit, who once stated that the US could not go bankrupt because “you print the money,” who’s claimed to “know better than the generals” about pretty much everything, who believes in torture and “blowing the hell” out of ISIS (how will we pay for that, again?) and best of all wants to build a multi-billion dollar wall to give mexican immigrants something to poke holes into, tunnel under, and fly over?
THAT Donald Trump? Because I don’t recognize YOUR Donald Trump at all.
Look, Hillary is a known evil, who we know will screw us and the country.
Trump is a known fool, idiot, self-aggrandizing clown who will only probably screw us and the country.
Your call. Turd sandwich, or turd sandwich with pickles.
I’m living in the universe where the lies spread by the clinton-run media machine are just lies. Half the criticisms you listed were outright fabrications, and the other half are more subjective than negatives.
Even if all of your criticisms were accurate, it still boils down to: Trump said bad things. Hillary Clinton DOES bad things. So unless you actually buy into the drivel put forward by SJWs(which, given your complaints about tax breaks on the rich, I’m guessing you just might) about words being worse than actions, Trump is still a far superior choice to Clinton.
Like it’s not even close.
Even more bizarre, Libertarian think-tank, the CATO Institute, just came out in favor of gun control. I knew something always smelled funny about the Libertarians.
So, working theory: Either the Libertarian party has been infiltrated by funding from George Soros, or they actively want Hillary Clinton to win because they’ve actually been paying attention and realized that they only gain support when the Democrats are in power. Meaning if a Republican gets elected, they’ll go back to being an awkward footnote and lose their shot at being a real political party.
I can buy that too.
What I don’t think they realize is that if Hillary Clinton wins, she has the tools and the will to convert the US into a monarchy that makes the setting of 1984 look like a hippie commune.