By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “The difference a day makes”
  1. In PA there is no legal grounds to count the mail in or absentee ballots until election day. It is simply not possible to count them, hence the backlog.I Bill Stepien (Trump CM) needs to be cery careful. If he contends that “THEY STOLE IT” as dear leader keeps saying, then he will have shown that he is just BSing us with all the happy clappy news about recounts. If he truly thinks the process is sound (as he continues to let on) then a Trump loss would be legit.

    1. In PA there is no legal grounds to count the mail in or absentee ballots until election day. It is simply not possible to count them, hence the backlog

      Sorry, but I have to disagree. They can, but they simply do not want to make the investment because it would be not easier to cheat or do anything else. Florida processed 4,852,639 Mail In votes and 4,332,221 early votes before election day. That was one of the reason why Media had to call the state for Trump: Counting shenanigans were almost impossible.

      The last place that was attempted was in Broward county (2016) which cost the job of the Elections supervisor and I believe the rest of board.

      1. When I was a judge of elections in PA (basically a paid, elected, supervisory poll worker) the procedure for absentee ballots (before this mail in stuff happened) was for the mailed envelopes to be given to the judge who brings it to their respective polling place where the absentee ballots sat in a bag under our watch until the close of polls. Only at the close did we open each envelope one by one and count each paper ballot by running them through the optical scan machine just as a normal vote would go through.

        I am not sure how mail in ballots are handled today, but if the law regarding mail in ballots is consistent with how we had to handle absentee ballots, they would literally ALL be counted at close of polls (8 pm ET). Depending on the volume of ballots that could push into next day. However to your point, yes, there’s no reason we don’t shouldn’t have a count by noon the next day with optical scanners. This isn’t a manual hand count for crying out loud.

        But I say this to let you know that there is no grand conspiracy at work here besides Philly and Pittsburgh showing up HARD for the blue machine… Trump did not do well in the suburbs, among the elderly, and among the college educated, and in PA we don’t have a substantial enough of a minority vote to make a difference in the margins even with Trumps excellent and historic showing there. The best path for the GOP in PA is still the “T” and the rural northern tier.

        We did, I believe, defeat a congressional Dem in Western PA (Connor Lamb) at last glance. I don’t know what it will look like in the Philly area but most likely a strong Dem showing as always.

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