Ladies, give it up. Just because you have a vagina and kick the ball rather well   (better sometimes than the males) does not mean you get paid the same. According to FIFA, the average 2018 World Cup game drew 191 million viewer with the final hitting over the half billion viewers worldwide. That is a lot of revenue generated and sorry to say you ladies still are not even close to 10% of that.

So, shut up with the politics, play to your earnest, make noise for the sport and make viewership grow.  Ask ESPN how are the ratings since they became a political channel with sports sidelines.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “The Evil Soccer Glass Ceiling.”
  1. Is this the US team whining about less money, or more a Granma North attempt to White Knight?

  2. America’s women’s soccer team reaching the semi final of the WWC is not that much of an achievement since the USA is one of the few countries that take women’s football seriously. For the US men’s team to reach even the knockout stage of the world cup finals would be considered a success since they are up against great footballing nations such as Brazil, Argentina, Italy France, Spain, Germany etc, for which (men’s) Soccer is a massive heavy industry and really the only game in town.

  3. The woman with the short hair in that picture is the lead player for the team. She’s a rabid Leftist. She knelt for the Anthem until that was banned, now she stands with her hands to the side and back to the flag. She said if they won, she wouldn’t go to the White House to meet Trump. She shoehorns that she is “a queer woman” into every single interview.

    She is the Colin Kaepernick of Woman’s Soccer, and as she goes woke, she makes the team go broke.

  4. This is the same logic we hear from people with useless degrees complaining about not being able to get a high paying job at a place that doesn’t serve caffeinated adult milkshakes.

    If you’re the best in the world at making custom helical threaded potato corers, good for you. But you don’t deserve a high salary just because of that; someone needs to want to buy them too. It’s true for companies (*) as well as individuals.

    * I was going to use “Buggy Whips Inc.” as a sarcastic example. But it turns out they’re a real company and make something that I had not expected. In fact it’s kinda cool. Identify, adapt and overcome!

  5. Let’s see them beat a Collegiate Mens Soccer Team once. Even a Division 2 team. Just once. Then they can start to make the claim “they deserve equal money to Men.”

    Alternatively, Play the US Mens Team. Best of three games. They can set the pay to the ratio of goals scored by each team. And if the Women end up with no goals scored, sorry butch, you be playing for free.

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