China’s military prepares for war, while America’s military goes ‘woke’

On June 10, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), a former Army captain who deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, published a memorandum detailing 28 instances of critical race theory-related bias in the military, collated from anonymous online submissions his office gathered. These included the propagation of racial narratives undermining unit morale, anti-racism instruction, anti-radicalization training with no mention of Islamic terrorism, the exclusion of white service members from diversity training events, and the explicit suppression of dissenting viewpoints. This behavior began during the “Racism Stand Down” in the summer of 2020 and has continued during the post-Capitol riot “Extremism Stand Down” this year.

As anonymous statements, Sen. Cotton’s reports are unconfirmed. But they resonate with broader instances of CRT-driven policy in the military, particularly because other intersectional measures may be looped into this general trend. Nellis Air Force Base hosted a “Drag” event for its airmen, justifying it as “essential to morale, cohesion, and readiness.” A Navy spouse posted an image from her active-duty husband documenting a “Pride Month” diversity hike, complete with a rainbow-colored American flag. The military service academies have also joined this trend: West Point now offers a “Diversity and Inclusion” minor, and the Naval Academy offers courses on “critical race” and “intersectional” themes.

Still, the issue is neither one of intellectual diversity nor the necessity of preventing and responding to racism. Rather, it has become increasingly apparent that the military, under presidential pressure, has turned to the radical and bizarre ends of the anti-racism camp for guidance in a national discussion of race, like every major company or academic institution since at least June 2020. Moreover, we must recognize the difficult position of military officers like Milley, or his superior, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin: The Biden administration’s directives have placed them squarely in the midst of an increasingly noxious, nihilistic culture war.

Despite Xi’s promises to ensure party control over the military, he has grown a large modern professional armed force that could challenge any element of Chinese society. He has prioritized improving the PLA’s readiness and capabilities virtually from the moment he gained power in 2012. He has purged the old officer corps of its kleptocratic grandees, initiated large-scale military exercises, and invested in the technology and defense industrial base necessary to construct a modern power-projection force.

American soldiers sit through “implicit bias” and “systemic racism” workshops and are told, tacitly or explicitly, that the country they swore to defend is inherently unjust.

Chinese soldiers prepare for war.

Frivolity and sensitivity offer no protection against steel and lead. The former invite the latter.

You need to take the idea that the US Military exists to protect and defend the United States of America in the dustbin of history.

We will not to go war with China.

China is too financially important to our wealthy elites.  China will be given every leniency to keep the money flowing into the coffers of billionaires, Wall Street, and their political lackeys.

The purpose of the US Military under the new regime is as a political enforcement entity.

It’s creating a partisan officer class and indoctrinating young enlisted-men to believe and obey Leftist Woke propaganda for a paycheck.

The next step, once the last of the Middle American patriots leaves or is drummed out of the military, is to be political enforcers over civilians.

The Democrats are following in the footsteps of the Bolshiveks.  I’ve read this chapter in military history before, I know where it’s going.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “The first step in understanding is changing your paradigm on what the role of the US Military is in the 21st Century”
  1. Dont forget UNCONCIOUS racism….. where your sub concious directs you to avoid the black guy… fukkin ridiculous

  2. A military force’s first duty is to appear so fearsome that its enemy won’t dare engage. The US military won’t deter the Chinese.

    As soon as armed US citizens no longer scare their government, there will be war.

    Just not with the Chinese.

  3. Hong Kong has been overwhelmed and the Chinese Communist Promise of Two Systems for the next 50 years did not even make it to the Half Way Point of 25. Communists lie? Who knew?

    Taiwan will be next, unless they get smart and develop and field enough nuclear weapons to threaten the Communist Leadership with harm. They should not trust the feckless Biden or Harris mis-Administrations. Japan, South Korea, and Australia should be doing the same damn thing.

    I do not want Nuclear Proliferation, but the US and Europe have done damn all to stop North Korea, Pakistan, and Iran from getting nukes. Chinese is adding about 200 MIRV 10 warhead missiles and silos this year. Maybe the way to get the Chinese, Norks and Iran to stop is have their enemies with nukes too? (The only nation that ever gave up its nukes was South Africa, because the whites didn’t trust the incoming black run government with the bomb.)

    Senile Joe and the Democrats will do little to nothing to support those Democracies and oppose the Chinese Communists. Why? I don’t know. They seem to think they are smarterer than everyone else, when they are actual pig ignorant, stupid blinded fools. They cannot run any major city, they cannot run half the states they control, and they are fast proving they cannot run the USA either.

    1. What Taiwan needs is to copy Switzerland. If every Taiwanese adult had an M-16 plus 5 loaded magazines in the coat closet, the ChiComs would not dare invade. It wouldn’t even take much training; NRA Basic Marksman would be sufficient to make an effective deterrent.

      Today’s WSJ has an op-ed describing a Navy commission looking into the state of readiness. Here’s one quote:
      “I guarantee you every unit in the Navy is up to speed on their diversity training,” said one recently retired senior enlisted leader. “I’m sorry that I can’t say the same of their ship-handling training.”
      You can find the article at (the WSJ opinion pages — free to all even though much of their news content is for subscribers only).

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