In case the video doe not cue to the teaching moment, go to 2:49

By y count, this guy too at least four rounds of 5.56 before finally stopping. And that was aiming at the least moving part of his whole body. This guy even got to prancing which made his legs impossible to shoot accurately, yet this is what Sleepy Joe wants everybody to do.

Screw that: Center Mass is the way to go in situations like this. Anything else is suicidal.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “The folly of “Shoot them in the legs” (Graphic video)”
  1. If we are somehow relegated to leg shots only them I’m gonna find one of those 8 gauge shotguns that Viggo Mortensen was lugging around in Appaloosa and load up some shells for it with as much #00 and #4 buck as I can get my grubby lil hands on.

    Gotta know the rules to know how ta break em.

    1. Oh that reminds me of the old “ball and chain” rounds used in ships warfare for destroying the enemies sails.

      That should work well with a double barrel shotgun – it’s like a Bola at 300m/s.

      The downside is you would have to double fire a shotgun… 😀

      1. Those rounds were fired from single barrel cannons, so I don’t see why you’d need twin barrels. I think they actually make specialty rounds like this, I think I remember seeing them in old Shotgun News catalogs when I was younger. You just stack two puck-shaped slugs in the shell with the wire connecting them sanwiched between them, and they natural forces should cause it to extend and whirl around in the air after it’s fired, cutting everything soft in its path.

  2. Never saw that film, but I read the whole series of books. Because of that, I looked for an 8 guage when I was in the museum at NRA HQ. Damn, the exit orifice had to be about an inch in diameter! It’d also have a hell of a kick, if you found one that used modern propellants. I’m almost positive the 8 guage shotguns issued by Wells Fargo used black powder…

    It’s still a heck of an idea to counter the “shoot them in the leg” ignorance.

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