Just saw this in Twitter:

I understand that my command of the English language may not be closet to efficient, but my understanding of the word “siege” is that it is not a peaceful endeavor. So i checked with Merriam-Webster before they decided to do another MinTruth edit to their dictionary:

So siege by definition is a violent military action and in Liberal-Speak, “peaceful protest” has come to mean violent rioting.  This is nothing but an open threat. What happens in November when Trump gets re-elected? Are they going to accept the results, collect their things and go home? Or is it that they will push forward and violently into the White House?

Because at the end of the day, that the objective of a siege: To forcefully take over a location.

Maybe the Democrats are trying to relive history circa 1812?


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “The forcible take of the White House”
  1. It is amazing how many of the left are female dogs and wanna-be female dogs. I know they are dogs because they are the only people hearing all these “right wing dog whistles.”

    And they seem to be blind too. They don’t see the things they do or call for or say as being in anyway a “call” to their people to do violence or to be divisive.

  2. Having been unable to get local PD to deliver martyrs, they are going to test the USSS, who do not fuck around when it comes to Whitehouse threats.

    1. They may have been able to get away with their brand of (cough) “non-violent” protest earlier in the year, and they may have been able to get a sympathetic public reaction to the (cough) “martyrdom” of a bunch of people just trying to peacefully burn down the White House.

      That possibility was burned down a while back. The constant burning, looting, threats of violence, actual violence, and other publicly unpleasant behaviors has escaped the old Media blackout. Their cause is no longer sympathetic, and the public would probably cheer if President Trump dropped napalm on this lot.

  3. ‘Save democracy’ by overthrowing a duly elected president and threatening to burn down the country if they don’t get their way.

    Good thing we’re not a democracy.

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