Last week:


This week:

What Liz Cheney was doing yesterday:

We are plowing headlong through Jimmy Carter’s stag-flation into Fury Road territory and the House Republican Conference chair is bitching about what the former President said on Twitter.

Every member of the GOP who wants to relitigate Trump’s mean Tweets while ignoring the Weimar Republican collapse of the US economy can get fucked, eat shit, die in a fire, and burn in hell.

These people do not care about us at all and should be run out of office on a rail covered in tar and feathers.

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By J. Kb

14 thoughts on “The GOP establishment can get f**ked, eat sh*t, die in a fire, and burn in hell”
  1. The bad job report is phony, a set-up so that the dems can save the economy by spending more money and more money.

    1. George: interesting perspective.

      You illuminated my own myopia. I generally treat da mediduh as permanently on opposite day: trump middle east peace initiatives: bad, Zhao Bai dehn funding Iranian terror, good.

      Yet, I *still* responded to the jobs report “news”, as if it were really journalism.

      Funny how we see things. Thanks for the spotlight!

      1. The horrid jobs report is that they missed their target goals. They predicted 1,000,000 or so jobs, they got 260,000 or so jobs. Is 260,000 a good number or a bad number? I don’t know.

        In the same vain, during Obama’s time, they consistently reported the unemployment number as the number of people “actively looking for work.” If you just gave up because there wasn’t a job for you, you were not unemployed. It also didn’t count under employed. You are a collage graduate that had a $80,000/year job as an engineer. You are now flipping burgers to keep your home. You are not unemployed.

        They always play games with these numbers and the media always wants it to look the way the Democrats want it to look.

        But it is a good point from George, why should I trust the reporting on jobs or what the jobs number means when I don’t trust the media to report anything else correctly.

        Even my right leaning source only reported it as horrible and that they had missed their target numbers.

        1. The WSJ made it clearer. You need to examine the combination of much lower than expected jobs growth and 6.1% unemployment, combined with a record high number (over 8 million) of unfilled job openings.
          Having unemployment because there are no jobs is logical. Having lots of openings when there is near-zero unemployment, ditto. Lots of open jobs along with substantial unemployment and amazingly low job growth means there is something really messed up. To be specific, the “economic” policies of the Biden administration.

    1. Well, good.

      She’s entitled to her personal opinion, and I have no problem with her disliking Trump.

      Where I do have a problem, is when that dislike gets in the way of her doing her job.

    1. A year ago I had a dream that 2 or 3 million of us went to the capital. We had meetings with the capital police about what we were going to do. We went in the capital and literally threw members out of the building. We put people in thier place and told them “ we are watching you, you have until the end of the ones you replaced term to see how you do. Do good, We the People MIGHT vote you in…”. The way government USED to be. Gonna be a fun ride huh boys??

    1. Right … these are the same Republicans who couldn’t be bothered to try to pass the hearing protection act and concealed carry national reciprocity when they had two years to do so? (And yes, I know, fillibuster, but they could have tried.)

      Those Republicans?

      Well … Bye.

  2. The post title is pretty much exactly where I’ve been since about 2008 with the Republicrats.

    They can all rot for all I care.

  3. It’s pretty obvious that the GOP is Trump’s party now, and the GOP voters aren’t wanting a return to the days when Republicans were the Nice Losers and Democrat Doormats. Note who the rising stars are in the party, and it’s not Romney, Cheny, or others of the Media Suckup Caucus.

    Even the most jelly spined GOPe Squish can sense the direction of the current.

    In the case of Liz, I would venture that she knows her days in the House are numbered, and it’s a pretty good bet she’ll be kicked out in ’22. So, she’s auditioning for a spot as a Media Pet Republican.

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