In the TV series, The Man In The High Castle, the during the post-war of alternative world where the Nazis win WWII, the American Right begins what is called Jahr Null (Year Zero) where American History is to be considered a failure and removed from the culture and that includes the toppling and destruction of not only books (The NY Library is set on fire) but the toppling and destruction of American icons to be substituted by politically-approved ones.
OK, it is fantasy and all that, but the concept is an old one and tried not too far back in Cambodia with Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge Year Zero. It simply stated that Kampuchea (the new name for Cambodia) needed to go to simpler times, times more attuned with nature and attuned with the new political “mandate.” It lead to changes all right: close to one and half a million Cambodians (some say more) were killed by direct government action (the majority) or plain starvation.

So when I hear a bunch of bureaucrats with actual zero experience and even less results on how to provide for human beings talk about The Great reset, it scares me deep into my bones.
It does not matter if your way of life has provided for you and your family. It does not matter if it has helped others get food, get healthy and live longer. None of that matter because they need to try their way which is based in the failed policies that have created the sick and the hungry in other places.
And they have the balls to say you are wrong and they are right while reclining on a gigantic sofa of the corpses of those who died by hunger and disease.
I think we will take a hard pass on your Great Reset.
PS: After I posted, YouTube was generous enough to pop this video for me.
I’m sure the crew of Man in the High Castle were all broken-up while they put those scenes together.
Let’s say the last season was a cluster flock for a reason
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say a reset is the end goal of all the decades (maybe centuries) of liberals. To make life so grating and miserable and dependent on them that they can literally control every aspect of your life down to what you are allowed to ‘own’ (cuz you won’t truly own anything).
Needless to say, there will be enough people that say No that it won’t go down the way they think it will.
They all want to be Pol Pot, Mao, and Kim Il-Sung. So high and mighty that they die in luxury in old age, having killed millions to assume control.
Science fiction writer Sarah Hoyt (who is an immigrant from Portugal) has written a series of stories — short stories I think — about “the Usaians”. The setting is a world in which various petty dictators have diced up the USA, and the history of the USA has been buried and made illegal. The Usaians are a small group who keep it alive, passing bits of the Stars and Stripes to their children and teaching them to memorize the opening words of the Declaration of Independence.
Good stuff.