From Minneapolis:

Who would want to be a juror in that trial and want to do anything but vote guilty just to avoid being identified, called out, and canceled or attacked, not to mention watching the mob destroy Minneapolis again?

You may still have the right to a fair trial and a jury of your peers, the government hasn’t taken that away from you.

The Left just outsourced the elimination of that right to the mob, not unlike how they outsourced book bans and the elimination of free speech to the cancel mob too

Welcome to the new normal where the threat of violence and canceling people allows the mob to eliminate your right to a fair trial through jury intimidation.



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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “The jury trial in America is dead, the Left killed it along with everything else”
  1. I was just telling my wife that there is NO WAY I would want to be a part of that jury and the shit show that will follow. They are going to release the names of the jurors, and if the verdict isn’t “hang ’em” you will spend the rest of your abbreviated life looking over your shoulder.

    1. You mean the Rodney King trial?

      A couple of days ago the WSJ had an article saying that BLM was planning “peaceful protests” but that a spokesman added that if there was an acquittal “violence could not be ruled out”.
      I believe the legal term for that is “Jury intimidation” and that doing so is a felony. Not to mention good grounds for the defense to ask for dismissal.

      1. And the judge would be hard-pressed to justify not dismissing in that case.

        Which would almost certainly stoke discontent and violence, but antifa/blm would literally be bringing it about themselves.

        And now that I think about it, that probably isn’t a downside for them. After over a year of “kinetic actions” with no consequences, they probably won’t be content to simply let the threat of violence do the job when there’s actual violence to be had.

  2. Andrew Branca is providing day-by-day coverage over at Legal Insurrection. As was his coverage of the George Zimmerman trial, it’s been eye-opening, to say the least.

    Doubly so given the prosecutors still seem unsure, even as jury selection for the trial is about to begin, on what Derek Chauvin actually should be charged with, and they say they’re waiting for the appeals courts to make a decision on another case — State v. Noor — to determine whether to include 3rd Degree Murder as a lesser included charge to 2nd Degree Murder. But the trial will likely go forward since that decision doesn’t change the facts of the case, only the jury instructions at the end.

    But yes, antifa/blm is assembled to provide their “hecklers’ veto” to any jury verdict they don’t like. And the jury is under “soft sequester”, meaning they’re identified by number and not name for the duration of the trial, and go home at the end of every day until deliberations begin, when they’ll be fully sequestered.

    But after the verdict? It’s safe to assume their identities will be released unless the judge orders otherwise (I’m guessing he will), but even so, tongues will wag and photos from inside the courtroom will be released, and people have been successfully doxxed with less.

    It’s going to be interesting, to say the least.

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