It is clear that people want to return to work.

Federally subsidized unemployment checks might be good for some, but those do not cover the costs of a small business.

Business owners still owe rent, utilities, taxes, and licensing fees. People want to work. Mike Rowe is 100% spot-on, “there is no such thing as a non-essential worker.”  Putting 25% of the workforce out of work has harmed this county in ways we were unable to predict.  Farmers are letting food rot in the fields, culling herds, and dumping milk on the ground.  Who in some economic central planning bureau would have predicted that shutting down restaurants would have lead to the destruction of American agriculture?  

We’ve seen how much Americans want normal services again and how people are trying to provide that in a black market.  We’ve seen women arrested for doing nails in their kitchens.  Tucker interviewed a barber who wants to reopen, saying that there are barbers doing black market haircuts in their garages.

I might know someone who maybe got one (no, I won’t tell you who).

Then there is the problem with doctors’ offices and hospitals having to furlough medical workers who are not fighting the Coronavirus while patients suffer from medical problems and are dying of non-COVID ailments.

It is a perversion that Orthopedists are being furloughed while people are bedridden in need of joint replacements, and hospitals are at 25% capacity and bored ER nurses are making TikTok videos.

Don’t get me started on the oppression of religious institutes during the Coronacrisis.

If you don’t live in a hot spot, life should return to 90% normal for you.  What I’ve heard and agree with is operating with additional precautions.  Reduce seating in restaurants.  Schedule hair and doctor appointments so that nobody is sitting in a waiting area or waiting room.  Work to keep everything just a little bit cleaner.

This would go a long way to help businesses and people.

Still.  There are some who believe that anything more open than people hunkering at home, living in fear is tantamount to murder.

These people have decided that if you go out, your medical care, in the rare case that you get COVID, is forfeit.

I’ve seen these floating around the internet:


You cannot un-ring the virus bell.  Once a virus is loose, it exists forever.

We may have mostly eradicated Polio and Smallpox in the US, but there are cases around the world, and occasionally in the US (usually an immigrant from a part of the world where it continues to exist).

Herd immunity and vaccinations might significantly reduce the incidence of the Coronavirus in the future, but it will never completely go away.

So how long does this forfeiture last?  If you get COVID six months or a year from now, do you still deserve it for not hunkering down in perpetuity?  Are you never allowed to get a haircut again without giving up your ability to go to the hospital if you get COVID?

The Left never shies away from the idea that anyone who disagrees with them should die.

This is politically motivated murder.  No different than the countless people in concentration camps and gulags who died of disease and not gas.

The Left can never be allowed to control health care because they will decide if you deserve to be treated because of your political beliefs.

When someone says: “You shouldn’t be allowed to go to the hospital if you get COVID because you wanted to take your kids to the playground.”

My response is: “Well, you should be put on your knees next to a ditch.”


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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “The Left again proves why they should not be allowed to control health care, they will control you by controlling it”
  1. More and more this is starting to feel like a bad post-apocalypse movie, when people start sticking their heads out and finding the sky isn’t burning etc.

    We may well have a second peak, we may well see additional measures every flu season from now on. But we need to find a way to live with it.

  2. It went from “we need to prevent the medical system from being overwhelmed.” to “we need to stop more infections.”

    And, news flash, you will not stop more infections. The virus is out there. Deal with it. Guess what other diseases are out there? TB, Hep C, AIDS, measles, mumps, rubella, leprosy, seasonal flu, etc… People are going to get sick. People are going to die. Deal with it.

    Final note:
    If you were to challenge any of the “re-opening your business is the equivalent of murder.” people to explain exactly what is so horrific about this virus, they would have no solid answer. You might get 100,000 deaths in the US, or a mention of Italy, Spain, or NYC, but no real insight into why it is so terrifying.

    1. I think, if you step back, and look broadly at what is being engineered, it is not terrifying, it is, rather, an opportunity.

      What is not yet known, is whether it is an opportunity for a Heinleinian reveal of the “puppet masters”, and (I hope) a re establishment of a constitutional republic, or a brown shirted “New-New-New Deal”

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