Your right to counsel is guaranteed in the 6th Amendment.

Harassing lawyers who defend clients is a fundamental attack on that right.

The Left is very good at this sort of runaround.

For the 2nd Amendment:

“We’re not banning gun ownership, we’re just suing the gun makers out of existence. ”

For the 1st Amendment:

“We’re not censoring you, it’s just the social media monopolies that eliminate your ability to communicate by the selective application of their terms of service.”

Now for the 6th Amendment:

“We will destroy the careers of any lawyers that represent you in court.”

I’m about 100% sure this is illegal.  If not it’s completely unethical.

This is another step in the direction of the kangaroo court of truth and reconciliation they want to create.

If you hire a lawyer to defend you, they will attack your lawyer until they quit.

Every Leftist dictator in history would approve of this.


The right to counsel is sacred.  It’s been well understood for more than two centuries that a lawyer is not morally culpable for his/ her client.  We accept that the lawyer is doing his/her job representing their client and we build a wall of separation between the lawyer and the client.

That is how society accepts rapists, murders, child molesters, and other scum having lawyers.

If we deny people counsel for being bad people than anyone of us could be denied counsel.

This move attacks that sacred trust.  Saying a lawyer that accepts Trump or the GOP as a client is now morally culpable for everything in that client’s past undermines the very nature of the attorney client relationship that has existed in our country since it’s founding and before that in English Common Law.

Remember that Founding Father John Adams defended the British solders responsible for the Boston Massacre. The ACLU defended neo-Nazis in their right to March in Skokie under the 1st Amendment.

This bothers me so deeply because of the way this TDS driven fascism erodes at the very fabric of our judicial system.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “The Left goes after the 6th Amendment”
  1. They keep sayin “the will of the people”. What Country are they in????? The WILL of the people Tuesday night overwhelmingly were for TRUMP. Be glad whennits over. Its getting old.

    1. They always go on about “the will of the people” — until the people disagree with them. Then it’s “kill the people”.

      1. It becomes “The will of the people who are left.”

        They’ve demonstrated, repeatedly, that if you don’t agree with them you aren’t worth listening to. Why would they bend to the will of people who disagree with them?

        Alternatively, seeing as people who disagree with them are increasingly being branded as “non-persons”. They are inserting the caveat that if you disagree, you aren’t a human person, but some kind of sub-human undesirable. Thus, the “people” in “the will of the people” doesn’t include you.

        Either way, when they say, “The will of the people,” what they mean is, “The will of OUR people.”

        1. The same applies to the 2nd Amendment. When they say, “The right of the People to keep and bear Arms,” we’re not “people.” It may as well read, “the right of OUR People to keep and bear Arms….”

  2. Thought experiment: what will folks do, who have no alternatives, and understand that there is no redress through the courts?

    Bielski Partisans, anyone?

  3. I love how they think this is a oneway street.

    2 can play, and have been.
    Got lots of names, faces, address’s, and afew other ….goodies.

    Your move commies’s.

  4. Taking down the lawyers is a favorite technique in Communist China. There is no rule of law there; if you attempt to defend yourself, you AND your lawyer will go down in flames.

    Re. Skokie: true, that was the ACLU of decades ago. That ACLU no longer exists.

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