As you know by now, AG Cameron who happens to be black, came out with the decision that no cops would be charged with the death of Breona Taylor.  A White “White” Liberal simply could not hide herself any longer.

Damn, lady! According to the Liberal dictum, you need yo be flogged while your mouth is washed with Lava soap and you turn you belongings to the nearest addict shelter/Drug house.

But no. That won’t happen because she is the approved shade of melanin with the appropriate liberal registration.

We are fully living in a country with two sets of rules and laws, applicable by location in the political purity spectrum.

That is a dangerous place to be.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

17 thoughts on “The moment a Liberal’s mask dropped, a full Racist came out”
    1. Appearances can be deceiving, I guess. Or does she “identify as black” like that famous fraud a year or two ago?

    1. Frankie is right, I forgot the quote marks for White. Lord knows she is doing her best to get light skin…doing a Michael Jackson, perhaps?

      Anyway, it is now corrected. And thanks to Frankie for highlighting how she hates her own skin color.

    2. In all likelihood, she like just about every freaking person in the world, is a MIX, a mutt, a mongrel. In the 1800’s should would have claimed to be “white” so she could “pass”. Today she claims to be “black” so she can “pass”.

      I ran into a transgendered person a while ago. They were wearing a dress, they were polite and we had a wonderful conversation. While looking at her and talking to her I got the pronouns correct for the persona she presented. Female. No skin off my back.

      I was talking to somebody else, later on, and this same transgendered person, from behind me asked me something. I responded with male pronouns because this person had a deep masculine voice. No visual cues, my head just responded. They were cool and it was no skin off her back that I made a mistake while not paying attention to her.

      The person in this tweet is acting like a racist. She appears to be a liberal. From the amount of flesh showing and her hair style, she is presenting as “White”. I’ll call her a privileged white liberal. If I have to look at her bio to find out she claims to be “black” or “male” or “conservative” then she’s trying to pass.

      1. Here’s something to consider. What negative repercussions and social stigma would come about if a light skinned black person was to try and pass as white? A few decades ago, it would be huge, and negative. Now, it would be either a null, or a positive.

        Today, the negative repercussions and social stigma is on those white people who try to pass themselves as black.

  1. Actually, Miguel, if you took a minute to read Sophia’s feed where she explains herself or you have actually done some heavy lifting on the subject of racism in America and taken in “I Am Not Your Negro” (it’s on Netflix), you might better understand the usage of the word by Sophia.

    Or you could lazy your way through it, take the tweet on its face, mischaracterize the race of the author, and do a post that fits your blog’s narrative.


    1. “Done some heavy lifting on the subject of racism” == “accept everything the left shovels out as gospel”.

      No thanks.

    2. Uh Frankie, our host does a huge amount of research and puts it here for us to read and enjoy. Sometimes it is out of context. Lazy he isn’t. His co-blogger puts in a boat load of time as well, researching and writing for us.

      Now you feel this headline is out of context. Great, you have a chance to bring this to the blog. “I read in her feed that what she means as blah. And she actually identifies as black, not white.”

      And you are likely to get a polite response and an update, such as putting the word “White” in quotes.

      On the other hand, calling our host “lazy” in weasel worded mental vomit isn’t going to get you very far. Miguel doesn’t give a shit what race you, I or this mongrel claims to be. He doesn’t care what “gender” you, I or this mongrel claims to be. He’s proven that over and over again in his blog by being equally insulting to every race, color, sex, gender and creed.

      Please feel free to contribute to the blog, we like hearing alternative view points. Sometimes it is useful, sometimes it is just humorous. But try and follow the one rule “Don’t be a dick”.

    3. Frankie, you’re very confused.
      The point of the post isn’t the race of the person making the offensive tweet. What matters is what she said. What she said is insanely racist and bigoted, and the fact that she may be fractionally black and identify as black is neither relevant nor an excuse for that bigotry.
      Calling a person not merely an Uncle Tom but a slave is beyond the pale, even for a CNN talking head.

    4. Don’t you love it when a privilidged Leftist progsplains to a Hispanic Immigrant all about what racism and stuff is?

  2. The skin color of the person posting the tweet is irrelevant. The comment itself is what is important.

    There is this woman who cannot possibly comprehend that a black Attorney General will not file charges against a cop solely because that cop was involved in the death of a black woman. Evidence be damned. If charges are not filed based on skin color, the AG is an Uncle Tom doing the bidding of their masters.

    I used to be of the opinion that systemic/institutionalized racism was a myth. Created to support a narrative that someone people of color deserve to be the masters for a bit. Now, I am convinced that systemic racism does in fact exist. Everyone, including lily white 100% pure Caucasians hate whites and blame them for all the problems in the world.

    1. CBMTTek, I think you hit it on the head. And more politely than I did. We have a longish post discussing how this person is acting in a manner which is not acceptable. The post discusses why it is an issue and why this person’s tweet is note worthy, i.e. she is a frequent contributor to CNN.

      The only come back presented here was “You miss stated her race! This is insulting.”

      The follow up was “Well, if you had read more of her ??? you would have found that she was walking back her original tweet to make it mean something other than what the words actually mean.”

      Sort of like the people screaming “Defund the police!” and when called on it they say “Well, we didn’t really mean to defund the police. What we actually mean is to …”

      Why use the correct words when you can make the words mean what ever you want?

      “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”

      Lewis Carroll’s _Through the Looking-Glass_

  3. Just read on Twitchy that after lousily backpedaling, she just ended up memory-holing (but she can’t stop the signal, Mal) this racist tweet she sent… probably under orders from her employers’ MiniTrue. LOL

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