Via Active Response Training. Greg is going to sue me one day i steal so much stuff from his site. If you are not following him already, please do so. It is a no BS place and he will kill sacred cows as necessary.
FBI PISTOL QUALIFICATION COURSE, revised Jan 2019. It’s fired on a QIT silhouette, and scored 2 points per hit.
-3 yards Draw and fire 3 rds strong hand only, switch hands and fire 3 rds support hand only, all in 6 seconds
-5 yards Draw and fire 3 rds in 3 seconds
-From the Ready, fire 3 rds in 2 seconds
-From the Ready, fire 6 rds in 4 seconds-7 yards Draw and fire 5 rds in 5 seconds
-From the Ready, fire 4 rounds, conduct an empty gun reload, and fire 4 more rds, all in 8 seconds
-From the Ready, fire 5 rounds in 4 seconds-15 yards Draw and fire 3 rds in 6 seconds
-From the Ready, fire 3 rds in 5 seconds-25 yards Draw and fire 4 rds from Standing, drop to a Kneeling Position and fire 4 more rds from Kneeling, all in 20 seconds.
50 rounds total 100 points possible 90 or above is a pass for instructors.
It is an improvement. Anybody that has been doing competitive pistol shooting regularly will have no problem with this qual. I like that forces switching hands and to shoot faster and accurately. 4 rounds for slide lock, reload and shooting four all in 8 seconds may seem not enough time but it is a century if you have some practice under your belt.
It’s actually the QIT-99 target, which is shorter than the one you show.