I’ve written before about the lack of welcome given to the Millennial Generation (and the later members of Gen X) by the shooting community. Their tattoos and piercings put off some, while their voting patterns and interest in social justice causes make others mad. As I’ve said, they look and think differently from the generations which came before — and that makes many people very nervous.
The younger generation is here, and it’s about time we started treating them like fellow shooters.

Go read the article and then come back. Good stuff.

We ain’t getting any younger and that is for sure.  In fact I bet some of us are now to the point of thinking “Well hell, I think it is time I just spend my time relaxing at the range and harassing the wife rather than being on the constant fight. I have earned it!” And you might be right.

All of us have basically created/propelled/maintained/contributed a movement that has no parallel in Human Rights history. Gun Rights about 20 – 25 years ago were as almost-dead and now are the mystery of the world. Who would envision back then 50 states with carry provisions, states with Open carry and even Constitutional carry?  Over 350 million firearms and God knows how many billions of rounds of ammunition in the hands of civilians ? Not even the betting houses in Vegas would have laid money on us.

That said, we know it is not over and it will never be, the price of Freedom and all of that. So it is up to us to “train” and guide the next set of constitutional warriors, the youngins that are benefiting from the labor done. And yes, they may look weird, have different hobbies and talk funny, but that does not mean they have the same heart in the same place about the Second Amendment as we do.

I was going to write a long list of things that we must do but I to help the youngins, but let’s keep it simple and make sure they learn the following and live it by heart:



If we achieve that, we can take a break.

And lastly, advice for the Youngins:  Understand that we ain’t going anywhere and we will criticize, bitch and moan till you get it right.

And take the Old Farts to the range from time to time.  It is good therapy for both.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “The Next Generation in Gun Culture: Here whether we like it or not.”
  1. As a parent of millennial and gen x, I’ve no choice but to interact with them. Right now I’m doing my best to teach them right. Unfortunately/fortunately I don’t have to teach them about distrusting politicians. They picked that up through osmosis,

  2. Excellent post. In my mid 40s, I’m one of the young ‘uns that volunteers as a range master on weekends. Many of the more, uh, mature range masters mutter and grouse about the neon hair, tattoos and piercings. I try my best to make both feel comfortable. Encourage the range masters to be accepting and the 20 something’s to feel welcome and go from being pay as you go to a club member. Like it or not they are the future.

  3. Don’t care what their social attitudes are, so long as they don’t try to force them on everyone else.

  4. Ted Nugent’s status as a hero in some circles of the gun movement would seem to support the premise that the youngsters don’t have the market cornered on “weird.”

    1. I did not say we were weird-proof, but even Uncle Ted is mainstream now 🙂

      I’m saying this is the South. And we’re proud of our crazy people. We don’t hide them up in the attic. We bring ‘em right down to the living room and show ‘em off. See, Phyllis, no one in the South ever asks if you have crazy people in your family. They just ask what side they’re on.
      Designing Women

  5. I’m not too worried about the dumb political ideas. At that age I thought I knew everything. Eventually, many will grow out of it- some lessons can be taught, others must be experienced.

  6. At 29, I get really tired of being treated as though I’m somehow different from people a few years older. I grew up in the shooting sports, vote pro-constitution, worked on political campaigns, and have spent the last 7 years in the firearms industry (in CA no less). Just as not all baby boomers are homogenous, neither are the young(er) generation of shooters. Don’t lump me in with the “social justice” nitwits

  7. I will defend to the death their right to have funky neon hair, tattoos and piercings. I’ll even teach them if absolutely necessary. But I WON’T give them a job.

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