Dwight is a reader that left this comment among several others relating to the Albuquerque defensive shooting.

Actually, there’s video out there of him assaulting another women in addition to the one that lit the crowd on fire. Not that it would matter to you all. He’s just a “jerk” who deserves to protect himself from the folks armed with skateboards who want to apprehend him and make sure he gets the justice he deserves. Wow.

He has already been properly explained why “apprehension” is not the way and it does not matter that he pushed a woman (simple assault) and then left without re-engaging with anybody else. But I think he still believe skateboards are not weapons, probably because they don’t make noises or stab. So, I wanted to show him one single video to show him how wrong he was and how dangerous is being hit by a skateboard.

We have two impacts to the head: the one provided by the skateboard and the one by the concrete when the head lands on it unprotected. That is deadly force in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

And when it is done in groups? Well, even worse.

As for me, I no longer will classify skateboarders as happy-go-lucky kids having fun abusing their bodies with repeated impacts but as potential deadly force attackers till proven otherwise.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “The one for Dwight.”
  1. Yes! And if you have a nasty or savvy person they turn it around to hit you with the trucks, the metal crossbar/axle thing, and it goes from a baseball bat to a splitting maul. Focused force on a very small area.

    Next time a video of protests comes up that isn’t a large bloc line look for small groups of skirmishers with skateboards who never seem to actually scoot along on em.

    I believe in the video posted here recently of the people who attacked an undercover car where the officers jumped out and tackled a guy you can see someone crack one of the cops across the shoulders with one from behind.

  2. I wonder just how long it is going to be before someone decides to snipe these US Taliban trying to tear down a statue?

    Given the number of times we have seen “protesters” using skateboards as deadly weapons, when will our overlords outlaw open carry of skateboards like they do firearms and knives?

  3. The guy who was shot had a knife, plainly visible moments before the event. Watch the close up vid frame by frame.
    Skateboard my arse.

  4. I think the point about the mob attack is moot the second that you hear one attacker screaming “I’m gonna kill you!” At that point, the person being attacked by the rioters has the right to respond with deadly force. A death threat by unknow assailants means your life is in danger. Period.

  5. Two solutions. One stated above, distance is your friend, bullet weight is critical. Second, clean your carry ammo, no prints, no DNA. Time for calling the police is over. If we dont start pushing back and I mean like a bulldozer. Soon all will be lost

  6. And, Dwight’s mind was not changed in any way by this post.

    In his world, the person employing the defensive gun use was in the wrong, full stop, no jury required. And, if guns went away tomorrow, crime would disappear as well.

    1. I don’t debate the fanatical with the aim of convincing them, I do it for those who are watching and have not made up their minds yet so they can see how silly the other side’s arguments are. .

  7. This has been going on for years. If you look back to the stories of the gang fights and bike club fights you’ll hear about them carrying “Bike Chains.” These were, pure and simple, weapons. Weapons which could be denied were weapons.

    A baseball bat with barbed wire and spikes is a weapon. The same thing without? You were on your way to batting practice.

    A wooden bo staff is a weapon. A sign with “Pigs in a blanket, let them fry” attached to that staff is a “protected first amendment right.”

    A steel pipe with a weighted head is a weapon. A U-Lock bicycle lock is just because you always have a lock with you to lock your bike.

    A weight at the end of a short chain is a flail and is considered a weapon. A length of chain with a padlock on the end is just your bike lock.

    A 3/4in semi ridged lex weapon not allowed. A motorcycle chain is just a spare ’cause you keep breaking chains…

    And the problem is that a bad cop can turn something that isn’t a weapon into a weapons charge for those he dislikes and leave it as a spare part/tool for those he does like.

    I had not made the connection between skateboard and weapon until this was pointed out. My bad.

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