Years ago I had to endure this kind of crap because I lived in a Banana Republic, but now? California Highway Patrol Rule 2At the risk of ending licking pavement and wearing steel jewelery, I’d tell that CHiP what he can do with that rifle if he does not aim it somewhere else. And if you cannot bring your rifle fast enough at a real threat, you ain’t got not business carrying one.

Hat tip to Mike V’s Corner.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

19 thoughts on “The one that would probably get me arrested.”
    1. I’ve only been present at one so-called accidental discharge, in the Marines.

      Sergeant S said ‘Yes, Corporal, I keep my safety off. I’m in control of my weapon.”

      Five minutes later, he let off a round. He was in control of his weapon. His feet, tripping over a branch … not so much.

  1. At least his booger-hook is clear of the bang-switch. That is about the only positive think I can say about the photo though.

  2. I typically respect the Police but I’d probably be in the slam for telling to take that “effing muzzle out of my face”. At least the other one with wearing the ill-fitting kevlar has enough sense to kind of point the muzzle downward to the street. I can just imagine rolling up to that checkpoint with my 3 kids in the car, oh, boy….

  3. and the crime that this white male committed was….driving in a ‘free’ country…….as LEO fear for their lives…what utter BS….Semper Fi

  4. Roseville is my adjacent town. My wife and kids returning from school saw a vehicle that was shaped like a “brick with camouflage” and I wonder if it was an MRAP. Regardless, any armored vehicle in this sleepy town is unreasonable. Maybe we should issue black arm bands for these brown shirts. Our Founding Fathers feared a standing army and this is pretty damn close to it. I respect the police, however, now I am concerned by their “us versus them” attitude proven by their military toys. Peace officers do not need this equipment or approach.

    As for this CHP, he should be demoted or fired for this endangerment of a civilian. Just who the hell taught him the four rules of firearms safety!

    Of course I do not know the specifics of this particular encounter, but he sure does not look like he is an immediate threat at this point, so the rifle should not be pointed at him.

    I’d like to ask Officer Friendly, if I pointed my shotgun at him, wouldn’t he determine that this is a lethal threat and he has the right to use deadly force. Well, it works both ways.

    If you point it, you’d better intend to shoot it, or there is no reason to point it!

  5. Why is pointing both a pistol and a rifle at the guy in the car? Doesn’t look like he’d have control of either.

    1. He’s not. He has the rifle rotated 90 degrees. His pistol is still in the holster. Maybe he thinks he gets a better view holding it this way. Looks like the only thing against his shoulder is a mag holder, probably a soft strap on type. Not the best thing for control if he has to fire it.

  6. Is it possible the AR is not pointed directly at the driver? That the muzzle is pointed more towards the back seat instead?

    Maybe the photo is misleading, just a trick of perspective caused by the limitations of a two dimensional image.

  7. In a sane world, this officer would be charged with brandishing. Pointing a firearm at an unarmed person at a checkpoint (a word I am loathed to use in the US) should be ABSOLUTELY un-flipping-acceptable.

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