Anthrogirl left a long comment on the post The Dumb is Strong with Moms Demand Victims. This is my response:
Moms Demand Action is not trying to take anyone’s guns.When people say that the group is anti-gun, that’s a sure sign that they have no clue what they are talking about.
Yup, heard that one before, still not buying. If walks like duck…etc.
What MDA is fighting for is the fixing or replacement of guns laws that are currently ineffective.
You mean Gun Laws that are not being ENFORCED, right? As in the Federal Government not doing their jobs of prosecuting Federal Firearm Violations? And then having to read this dumb statement from your Guru:
His comment didn’t sit well with gun control activists, including the group Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America. “It’s like, ‘don’t look at us, look at gun enforcement’,” says the group’s founder Shannon Watts. “But the NRA works to block gun prosecutions all the time.
Do you realize how stupid that comment is? How in the hell is the NRA interfering with prosecutions? And isn’t interfering with a federal investigation a crime? Damn, if we were doing so, the Department of Justice would have us brought up in charges and wearing orange jumpsuits in 3 seconds flat. Perhaps it is time you should start using your brain and actually investigate and digest what is coming from the Moms’ Headquarters because that right there is a bald-faced lie.
And we have laws so antiquated that they don’t address current gun technology.
Somebody is selling phasers and did not tell me about it? Firearms technology has been pretty much the same for about a century or more now. Other than new materials used in the manufacture, your average firearm is still the same as the ones great grandfathers used at the beginning of the 20th Century. But I will give you that some of the gun laws are moronic, make no sense and do need to be eliminated. Let me give you an example: a shotgun with a barrel length shorter than 18 inches or an overall length shorter than 26 inches is to be considered a short-barreled shotgun and illegal unless you obtained a Federal Stamp to own it. Violating these lengths gets you a 10 year term in prison and a $10,000 fine per offense. Now, this law was designed to discourage criminals to cut down shotguns to where they can be easily concealed, but as usual, if somebody is committing armed robbery that will give them a 25 to life sentence, 10 years in a fed resort is not a deterrence. Now many gun owners love to modify their firearms so they can be used for different purposes. I may have bought a single shot shotgun with a 24″ barrel used for hunting fowl for cheap but I don’t hunt and I want the barrel cut down to the legal 18 inches to use for home defense. If the gunsmith makes a mistake and instead of 18 inches, the barrel turns out to measure 17 and 7/8s of an inch, I am in violation of the law. The shotgun is still almost impossible to conceal, it is not any deadlier than with 18 inches in length but 1/8 of inch of metal makes it a gun for gangsters and the drug dealers in the view of the ATF and I should be prosecuted as one. Take out your ruler, measure 1/8th of an inch and see how stupid that law can be. And how deadly it can get I will leave for another day.
MDA is also fighting to close the loopholes in background checks.
Loophole: Something I don’t like but is unregulated.
NRA members on the other hand had fought against and had struck down a line item in a recent appropriations bill (the same bill with all the anit-ATF line items) that would have stopped people on the terrorist watch list from purchasing guns and ammo.
Do pry tell what makes somebody eligible for the terrorist watch list. Of course you don’t know because NOBODY knows, only a very selected few within the Government. That is the US equivalent of secret tribunals and a possible violation of the Sixth Amendment of the Constitution: “to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.” But that is not necessary because the Government (and specially this administration) NEVER MAKES A MISTAKE OR ABUSES POWER, right?
They fought against and had struck down a free standing republican bill that would have restricted those deemed mentally ill from purchasing guns.
Funny. Here in Florida we just passed a bill with NRA backing that does exactly that, yet (very important) makes sure that the rights of the patient are not violated, that he/she is declared mentally ill by a judge after presenting the proper information and that the patient can appeal the determination if it considers it illegal or in error or, if healed, he can recover his right to purchase a firearm. I know, those pesky things called rights get in the way of utopia.
NRA members have fought for and won legislation that considers a criminal who has served his time, even for gun felonies, to be “disabled” in terms of his gun rights.
You have something about the restitution of Rights? You do know that in Maryland (I am guessing you are from there) voting rights are automatically restored upon completion of all supervised release, right? And another thing, are you including non-violent felons in your definition? Do you believe that a non-violent felon should be abridged of his rights forever?
NRA members have fought for and won the restriction of the ATF to require gun dealers to do yearly inventories and report any lost of stolen guns. Last year (2012), the ATF identified over 16,500 lost & stolen guns from dealer inventories thru inspections. And the ATF only checked about 10% of the dealers.
The ATF is an agency so corrupt that it should be eliminated once and for all. From knowingly allowing firearms to fall into the hands of Drug Cartels to hold “Whites Only” racist picnics (Good O’ Boy Roundup), offering “Nigger hunting licenses,” changing their investigative and laboratory protocols to make cases (A nice way of saying tampering with evidence), punishing whistle-blowing agents that come forward when they had enough of their superiors antics and a whole passel of other doings that I do not have either the time or inclination to post.
So when people look at the NRA members and other zealous gun rights activists, they see people who actively fight for the rights for terrorists, criminals and the mentally ill to get guns,
That would be a mistake to assume, but I am used to see your side of the equation wrong. Gallup Poll taken right after the Sandy Hook Massacre (Yep, that one and with all the negative press we were getting) placed the NRA with 54% favor among Americans. Congress was at 18% & President Obama at 52% (it dipped to 49% for the year average),.
So, we should surmise that more than half of the citizens in this country “actively fight for the rights for terrorists, criminals and the mentally ill to get guns” That is a very heavy accusation on your part.
They see how aggressively NRA members want people to be able to secretly obtain guns through loopholes and from blackmarkets dealers who sell lost and stolen guns.
And now we jump with both feet and eyes open in the pool of defamation. We don’t obtain our guns “secretly” through what you call loopholes, we buy and sell our private property from and to other law-abiding citizens of this country. Again, the definition of loophole is something you don’t like and that want eliminated. And if some idiot decides to take a major risk and sell us a lost or stolen firearm and we find out (plenty places in the interwebs where one can check for stolen/lost firearms) it is us that will come down hard and heavy, press charges and testify in court against the above-mentioned idiot and with tons of pleasure doing so. Plus, we will try our earnest that the person who got his firearm stolen be sure to get it back because it is his/her property.
Ms. Anthrogirl, if you really want to impress us with your determination to stop “Gun Violence” why don’t you open one of those Lemonade Stands for Gunsense in a drug corner of Baltimore? Go on and spread the word among the locals that Gun Violence is bad and should be curtailed, ’cause sure as hell bodies are dropping in those drug corners. Stop making theater and do right. Opening a Lemonade Stand in the office of a congressman does as good to curb violence as wearing a parachute while scuba-diving: It looks stupid and useless.
Loopholes, LULZ. California banned certain semiautomatic rifles with certain features. When manufacturers complied with the law and made semiautomatic rifles without those features, the gun grabbers cried. Instead of being happy that manufacturers were complying with the law and got rid of those evil features, they screamed loopholes. I guess they just wanted to ban semiautomatic rifles but didn’t have the nuts to try it.
As far as Moms Demand bow chica wow wow, I mean action, they’re clearly just another gun grabbing, gun hating, gun prohibition cult. They cry about conceal carry, they cry about open carry, clearly they don’t respect the bear part of keep and bear. As far as the keeping part, they want to ban semiautomatic rifles and handguns with magazines that hold more than ten rounds. Of course these bans they want wouldn’t apply to the police, except for the police officers that they don’t like.
MDA claims to support background checks on all sales, but decry NRA’s attempt to change the law to allow 18-21 year olds to purchase handguns from licensed dealers, instead, MDA would prefer persons in that age group to purchase handguns from private sellers without a background check.
Let me see if I can sum up and understand MDA’s view of the NRA’s business model. NRA wants to arm criminals and terrorists in order to frighten law abiding citizens so that law abiding citizens will buy more guns to kill these armed criminals and terrorists and somehow by having dead criminals and terrorists creates more customers for the NRA, if the NRA was actually in the business of selling firearms. I can’t understand how killing off your customer base creates more customers.
MDA is nothing more than an extension of Illegal Mayors Against Guns.
Hey, right out of the anti-gun playbook. “We don’t support taking guns but the NRA WANTS TO ARM TERRORISTS!!!!LOL1111!!!! CRIMINALS!!!! LOOPHOLES!!!! Look! Over There! A Monkey!
And the old classic “WONT SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!11”
I’m not exactly sure what loophole they’re talking about in gun shows other than those who supposedly sell private property to someone else, which is legal in of itself.. Anytime someone buys a firearm from an authorized FFL, they will ask you to complete a 4473 form. Ask to see if you can get away with not filling it out and you’ll find your behind tossed out the door faster than you can say you were kidding.
MDA unfortunately feeds incorrect information to its members. Responsible laws ARE already in place; it just needs to be enforced and unfortunately MDA would rather look past that because they firmly believe that criminals really would follow the law as well as additional laws put in place. As a father who are friends with several police officers, I am well aware that police officers have no duty to protect you (per the US Supreme Court), only to enforce the law, never mind the fact that on the average, it takes 12-16 minutes for an officer to arrive at the scene of the crime, which more then likely, has already happened. My wife and I understand that due to this, we are our own first responder and the first line of defense for our family is ourselves. We have taken firearm classes for training, safety and responsible gun ownership, and we are comfortable having a firearm in our hands to protect our home rather than just having a phone dialing 911.
They won’t go to the dope-dealer crime-infested murder-ridden areas of Chicago, DC, New Orleans, or any other “bad part of town.” They don’t want to die.
Contrary to what they claim to believe, they KNOW we’re safe, that we will NOT kill them for “disrespect,” or for invading our turf. If they truly believed we were dangerous as they claim, they would never dare confront us.
So, that leaves us with two options.
A) They are too cowardly to confront the real problem, the real violence, the real criminals and killers. So they focus on us, as a whipping boy, and on the guns, as a deodand, instead of risking their own necks by standing on real principle and confronting the criminals.
B) They are evil, do not actually care about the criminals, and we, not the guns, are the real target. We who choose to stand up for our rights, to defend our property and our lives, WE are the real threat to their agenda.
Which is it? Which are they? Evil, or cowards? Next time one of them gets in your face over guns, stick this down their craw. Ask them straight-up, which they are. Obviously they’re not afraid of you, so are they shifting blame from the real crooks to you, or is control of you the real objective? I’ll bet you they won’t answer.
They don’t go into the high-crime areas because they’re not really against THAT violence. THAT violence doesn’t show up on TV, doesn’t get hours and hours of coverage (that interrupts their normal shows), and doesn’t shove photos of cute (white) kids in their faces.
They’re against the one-out-of-a-million mass shooting of white people that happens in a place their previous actions have rendered “gun free”. Part of it’s their innate bigotry, part of it’s their sense of guilt.
No internet commandos? How about mall ninjas?
Just kidding.
Good refutation. I love the “we don’t want to ban guns…except for the guns we want to ban” part of their platform.
From a purely technical standpoint, she was telling the objective truth: The mom’s themselves aren’t going to come take our guns. They don’t have nearly enough courage for that. What they’ll do is try to get the government to pass a law requiring us to turn in our guns voluntarily, then, if we don’t, they’ll send OTHER people to take our guns…braver people…armed people; they aren’t going to show up on our doorstep demanding that we give them our guns. It’s just silly of us to think such a thing don’t cha know.