An anonymous but apparently well-connected source informed me that the School Walkout organized in Marion County, Florida was a well prepared event organized not by the children but by school superintendent, Dr.Heidi Maier. Not only that, but that after there discussions between teachers and students, the kids had been given a poll to fill about what needed to be done to improve school safety and the results were not the ones expected by certain political groups but apparently arming teachers, building a fence, and access controls were the top three selections and gun control did not come close to be near the neighborhood.

The walkout in Marion County schools was cancelled after 19-year old Sky Bouche went inside Forest High School with a short-barreled shotgun smuggled inside a guitar case and shot a seventeen-year old student.

One thing is sure: There is only one Narrative that will be allowed to associated with the School “Walkouts” and that is going to be one of 100% Gun Control issues. School Boards and School Supervisors will push that in order to cover their asses and march according to the goose-step choreographed by the Teacher’s unions.

That is on us. We became nice, we became complacent. Politicians stopped fearing us which is the reason why Florida Education Association representing 136,000 people can better influence a Legislature rather than the millions of gun owners in Florida, 1,878,666 of those alone citizens with Concealed Weapons permit. We need to put the fear of Elections back in them. If you are an NR member, you may already received an alert under the title “Florida Alert! It’s Time to Name The Betrayers Who Voted For Gun Control” mentioning as principal coward Senator Broxson (R – Pensacola) and a list of other Republican legislators who screwed us.

I wanna go bolder. I wanna target Governor Rick Scott and see that he does not become Senator. He is after Bill Nelson’s seat and basically we would be trading one shade of Democrat for another one a bit lighter. Scott could have vetoed SB 7026, but chose to be swept by the emotions and the fears of losing possible Democrat voters in his race for senate who would never vote for him anyway.  I am not gonna vote for Nelson, but I am not going to vote for Scott and the official recommendation of this blog is that no Floridian should vote for his treasonous ass either.

Sending Governor Scott back to private life would be a nice teachable moment for our politicians, wouldn’t you agree?

“Hey! them fucking Gun Owners just fucked a Republican Governor up the ass and did not even bother with lubrication! Are we next?

Yup, that is what I want to hear from them

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “The Politics of School Walkouts and our part in it.”
  1. Going after Scott is NOT in a gun owners best interest You might hand the Senate to Democrats who will do more damage
    The Bill he approved may well be thrown out, and it is possible that was his calculus

    1. If that was his calculus, then he is an unprincipled churl, trying to play both ends against the middle.
      Even more of a disqualifier

    2. 100% correct. Definitely vote against Scott in the primary – but if he in the nominee, please vote for him because:

      1) A Democrat would have pushed for much more restrictive laws.

      2) A Republican Senate is critical to getting good people on SCOTUS – and we could have an opening at any time.

      Voting for anyone but Scott (should be be nominated) would be exactly what people like Bloomberg want you to do!

  2. A school superintendent using her paid public position to lobby for a partisan political purpose sounds to me to be illegal.
    Lawsuit time?

    As for Rick Scott- I live in Texas but have already been contacted through a Republican group to donate to his campaign. I was polite but they got the idea not a snowballs chance in hell.

  3. “Wanna”? “Gonna?” is that the kind of illiteracy you “wanna” use to represent a literate constituency? If you pretend to represent firearms owners, I would hope that you would be more literate, at least!

    We are already dealing with a liberal constituency which tends to typify us as knuckle-draggers; the least you could do is to use proper English skills if you expect to represent us … especially when discussing the manner in which high-school students perceive us.

    It’s bad enough that we are all, as Americans, dealing with the slaughter of teen-agers; the least you could do is to allow us to be portrayed as literate adults.

    1. ““Wanna”? “Gonna?” is that the kind of illiteracy you “wanna” use to represent a literate constituency? If you pretend to represent firearms owners, I would hope that you would be more literate, at least! “

      I am so sorry to have caused offense your honorable Grammar Hauptscharführer. My only excuse is that English is not my native language, only the third and I learned it well into adulthood.

      “We are already dealing with a liberal constituency which tends to typify us as knuckle-draggers; “

      I have posted this before: That they consider us stupid is the best thing it could happen. They never see us coming because they think we do not have the mental preparation to beat them.

      “the least you could do is to use proper English skills if you expect to represent us …”

      Then again you can open your own blog and write in the “proper” English, just make sure your spell checker is set for British English and let’s hope that using that particular side of the language does not show how much of an asshole you are.

      “especially when discussing the manner in which high-school students perceive us.”
      One thing I learned the hard way was that I should not care what other people think about me, specially those who still do not know squat about life nor pay my bills. Now, you wanting to appear cool to kids is kinda creepy. Do you hang around much with kids so young? Do their parents know? Are you a catholic Priest?

      “It’s bad enough that we are all, as Americans, dealing with the slaughter of teen-agers”
      Elmer? Is that you? next you?

      “the least you could do is to allow us to be portrayed as literate adults.”

      Maskirovka, baby!

      1. “Jerry” is that the way you want us to be perceived? Why can’t you use your proper given name, instead of an infantilizing demunuitive, Gerald?

        1. Well … he could be implying he’s technically savvy and of Teutonic descent. Who are we to presume?

          Oh, wait … this is the internet. Nevermind… 🙂

  4. A perfect example of what al gores internet has become-full of self serving morons who feel its their duty and God given right to correct everyone who isnt perfect like they are. Mr M, 3 languages hey? Bravo. I only know 1 and half…still learning spanish. Slowly.
    Well put Sir, keep it up.

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