How quickly do you think your neighbors, your friends, your relatives, will turn on you about the “hoarded” food in your basement, your “hoarded” medical supplies, that “Hoarded” Big Berkey water filter you bought to guarantee your family’s fresh water or the solar panels you’re “hoarding” on your roof?
In as little as 24 hours as painfully experienced by yours truly during one of those famous dislocations of Civilized Behavior and the Rule of Law and Common Sense that happen every so often South of Key West. Get used to the idea that you may have to aim your weapon on somebody you considered a friend and treated like a relative you actually liked for decades but now he or she is bound to take your means of survival and even your life.
Seeing people like that behaving like gang bangers during a police strike in Chicago and the fact that I might have to shoot them was a nasty shock to my mindset. It goes against all your sense of right and wrong that Mr. Lopez, the neighbor who taught how to fly a kite or Mrs. Ramirez who always baked you a batch of those delicious homemade pastries for Christmas are now trying to break in your property, ready to tear you to pieces for a chunk of bread or a bottle of booze and you are gonna have to put them down like vicious animals.
If you have not given it a thought……
I believe you to be correct but pray to GOD that we never see this day.
Several relatives have already insisted that they’re coming to our house if things go south. I told them that they are more than welcome, provided they are able to produce stored foodstuffs for themselves for at least 3 months, or enough firearms/ammunition to provide meat for the table on a daily basis. I got the quizzical look and “you would turn away family?” Yup. Definitely. I have my own immediate family to provide for. I will wish you luck and pray for your safety, but bringing more mouths into our house (or wherever we end up as the dust settles) is simply taking food away from my wife and daughter. You’d better have some dam good skills to bring to the table to offset the reduction in rations.
Same as Rabid – I get the same comment from friends and family – and I tell them: “Sure, send $2000 for food, and $2000 for supplies and you’re in. Otherwise, good luck.” And …. THEY are offended.
I pissed off most of my family plus they are all are overseas…. part of my evil genius plan! MUHAHAHAHA!