We know we are in an era of everything being seen through racism Glasses and Gun Control is no Different. Blogson Justin posted in FB to a link to a collection of tweets about the Chicago Hospital shooting.

And of course, when the information finally came out, oopsie?
And he used a pistol.
But we are the racists.
But I bet the press will find a link to his NRA life member, gun toting shrink who influenced his decision to buy and train with a pistol. Still the white guy and the NRA’s fault. Boneheads…..
He had a CWP according to the Tribune. A member of the half percent club.
And a long history of threats and domestic violence yet he wasn’t flagged by Cook County, passed multiple background checks, and allegedly worked for the city.
Ah… “worked for the city” explains all the rest.
He was one of the special people that work for the Chicago thuggocracy, so of course they didn’t flag him for being a thug.
Y’all are missing The Point: he was a (drumroll…) WHITE ! hispanic.
Just like Zimmerman.
Because, yaknow, white folks all be generalizing rayciss-s.
because….the more you know! (star rolls across the screen…)
“Niggas don’t shoot up hospitals…” for Michael.., apparently they’re only supposed to shoot up the south side.
Second City Cop has a post on this shooter,
“So the shooter had quite a history:
previous threats to shoot up the Fire Academy
previous history of threatening women
previous incident(s) of domestic violence
And still:
he got past a State background check
he got a CCL without a Dart objection
he got hired by the CHA if our readers are correct – even after being fired from the CFD Academy for being AWOL”
Are their two different standards of justice in this world? One for Democrats and one for normal people?
Are their two different standards of justice in this world? One for Democrats and one for normal people?
– Bill Clinton
– Hillary Clinton
– Ted Kennedy
– Michael “Snuffy” Pfleger
And many, many others.