The only reason we are still watching The Rookie is Nathan Fillion (and Mekia Cox kicks butt in her role, but I am biased to petite kick ass women since I am married to one) , but I believe the writers are doing their best (worst) to kill the show this season with an overdose of BLM and SJW bullcrap.  And if that was not enough, I guess somebody is desperately trying to resurrect the old Teflon-coated cop killer bullets of the 80s. These are from last night’s show:

I just shudder at what a bullet covered in silicone would do to a barrel, just imagining cleaning all that melted gunk makes my stomach turn.  But how in the hell they came up with this nonsense? If I were to hazard a guess, I would say that a writer may have seen an add for Hornady’s LEVERevolution ammunition , added two plus two and got twenty two.

Oh well, the Fountain of Stupid springs eternal in La-La Land.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “The Rookie (again) now with super deadly special “boolits””
  1. I’ve said it before, lubricant coatings on bullets do not enhance armor penetrating capacity.

    It’s like saying if you sprayed PAM on your dick, you could screw someone through a pair of jeans.

    The original “coated” armor piercing bullet was the KTW, which used a thick polymer coating on a steel jacket. The polymer coating was to prevent barrel wear. The polymer didn’t do anything to enhance armor penetration, it was the pointed steel jacket underneath that did all the work.

  2. I want the LEVERevolution Flex Tip for lever guns and revolvers in 357. I wish it was really available.

  3. I like the cop-killer bullets from that Lethal Weapon sequel where they shot clean through the blade of a bulldozer and killed the driver, who was also wearing a bullet-proof vest. But then the one female cop wore two vests, one on top of the other, and was saved by it. Dang. I need bullets that will shoot clean through a bulldozer. That’s some serious shit right there.

    1. @Don Curton: Someone at work, who was a hunter with long guns, asked me if that was real. He knew little about handguns and ammo, but at least he had the intelligence to ask a gun guy about it. If he were a “reporter”, he would consider the movie gospel.

  4. Ignorance goes hand-in-hand with leftist propaganda. I won’t watch any of it. There are books, after all.

  5. I’ve been watch “Shooter” on Netflix, and in one of the episodes they’re talking about bullets made from “hardened polymer”……major WTF?!? moment for me. It shoots through two layers of steel “without getting a scratch on it”…….no mention of what it does to the rifling of the barrel.

    You would think these shows could at least hire someone who’s read a gun magazine or something.

    1. There is a mention of nylon bullets in John Ross’ Unintended Consequences. But the effectiveness disappears (on purpose) on a very short distance and are only to be used for close personal interactions where a shoot-through could have consequences.
      And it was a .44 Magnum

  6. My younger son got me into Brooklyn Nine Nine. I found the first few seasons entertaining. The first episode of the next season (I forget which one–it was the locked apartment episode) was lame, so I was going to drop it. (Melissa is hot!)

    Next thing I know, the show was obsessively focused on Rosa’s bisexuality. After a couple more episodes, I was done.

    Now that I read that the writers are going for work (sorry–not sorry), I’m definitely not returning.

    I don’t believe that they’ll miss me.

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