Almost two weeks ago Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Biden’s Director of the CDC, said it was safe to reopen schools.

Then Biden’s Press Secretary said no, Walensky was speaking in her “personal capacity” despite her giving a presser in front of the CDC logo.

New evidence has emerged that before Walensky was CDC Director, she was asked by her local school district around Harvard what her opinions were on how to reopen safely.

This is her email reply.

Now, as Biden’s CDC Director, she is saying it’s not safe to open the schools just yet.

Throw into this that Anthony “Always Wrong” Fauci just said that in order to reopen the schools we need to pass the stimulus.

The Biden Administration is holding America’s children hostage as they fall behind, become depressed, and commit suicide at record rates.

The United States Federal Government is allowed our children to kill themselves to leverage a cash payout to teachers unions and political grifters.

The Capitol stormers should have gone into the Capitol Building with killdozers and woodchippers.


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By J. Kb

One thought on “The school situation has nothing to do with safety and everything to do with a union shakedown”
  1. Even after the CDC’s position has been diluted to satisfy the union bosses, they still aren’t accepting it. And for some reason the slogan “trust the science” has been deep-sixed.

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