“What’s the efficacy of banning these magazine clips? I will tell you, these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now, they’re going to shoot them” says Rep DeGette. According to her, “the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will be shot and there won’t be any more available.”

via Co-Sponsor Of Bill Banning Magazines Demonstrates She Doesn’t Know What They Are, Mistakes Them for Bullets | CNS News.

Ah…er…. Holy Crap!
And here is the video so there is no doubt attributable to transcriptions errors


Sweet mother of Jesus! A Master Level of Sheer Stupidity has been unlocked. The Dark Side of the Force is a charley horse compared to this amount of brain malfunction.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

32 thoughts on “The Shoulder Thing That Goes Up: Part 2. (Faceplam Alert)”
  1. OK, so let’s get this straight.

    1: woman doesn’t know the difference between magazines and clips.
    2: woman doesn’t know the difference between magazines and ammunition
    3: woman doesn’t know about the widespread practice of reloading ammunition
    4: woman assumes that a magazine which has been emptied can NEVER be refilled with new bullets.

    THIS WOMAN SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED WITH HER OWN CHILDREN, LET ALONE THE LEADERSHIP OF A NATION! There has GOT to be a point where you can be arrested and charged with “Criminal Stupidity.” I’d also charge her with “Aggressive and belligerent ignorance.”

    Wasn’t Darwin supposed to protect us from these people?

    1. I think that is it; she doesn’t know that when you buy a mag, it’s typically empty. Maybe we should lead her to believe that. Then why would she care if we had all of these empty mags?

    2. I wouldn’t necessarily call her an idiot that shouldn’t be trusted with her own children. Lots of people choose to be uniformed about firearms, and I’m fine with that.

      What I have a problem with is someone who knows nothing about guns trying to write laws to regulate them.

      1. Ignorance is one thing. Being ignorant, knowing you’re ignorant, and still claiming to be an expert in a field where the average bystander knows more than you is being a menace. This is the sort of woman who would tell children that the best way to avoid sexually transmitted diseases is to suck the disease out of the genitals after copulation.

  2. Um, duh, Mmmm, well, you see..ah,.flabergasted, freakin speechless!

    I need ta punch someone in the nose!

    She’s like that senator who thought that if we sent troops to a certain island that island would capsize from the extra weight.

  3. F*ck Denver! Seriously! This, I’ll remind you, is the same lady who flippantly said “You’ll probably be dead anyway.”

  4. Clearly, her turbid end of the gene pool needs to chlorine-shocked!

    How does she get dressed in the morning? Doe she need assistance?

    Seriously, how can she sleep at night knowing she is legislating from an area of utter, complete, and resounding IGNORANCE.

    I like thec omment about “Criminal Stupidity” above, but would add in the First Degree, with special circumstances and premeditation.

  5. […] { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1326486542628-1'); }); The Shoulder Thing That Goes Up: Part 2. (Faceplam Alert) | Gun Free Zone CHICAGO 2012 509 homicides, 2,500+ shootings and a January 2013 that is already 200% […]

  6. I live in Denver. Yes, she is exactly as she appears. No, she is not going away any time soon. And, No, the Colorado GOP has ZERO plans to challenge her seat EVER.

    I tried to run in Denver as a Republican for the House of Reps and got Zero support from the state GOP. On my own, I got 19.9 in 2008 (Obama’s first win).

    In Colorado, if you don’t donate big bucks to the state GOP party, they don’t want you. They may return your email or phone call, but usually not.

    1. Sounds like a perfect chance to reach out to a Tea Party org. or a representative like a Paul or Rubio, or Ryan. Have them stir up some support to start cutting the legs out from under the beast…

  7. What a fucking moron! She needs to be recalled, and fired. Is this what passes for “informed representatives”? Totally ignorant. This is inexcusable!

  8. I really considered not commenting on this lawmaker’s genius, but this shit takes the cake. WTF!

    This unicorn chasing by people who have no grounding in reality and completely ignorant of what they vote into law will destroy us and future generations as freemen. I pity those who are liberty minded (and all good peaceful folk) as we circle the drain into economic and personal disaster.

  9. The Congress woman is an absolute MORON…she doesn’t have a brain cell in her head….why doesn’t she just come right out and suggest a repeal of the 2A…and we WILL REMEMBER when the next election comes up.

  10. No, you’re wrong. She isn’t stupid. She just misspoke. See?

    “DeGette’s spokeswoman Juliet Johnson issued a statement Wednesday, saying the congresswoman mispoke.

    “The Congresswoman has been working on a high-capacity assault magazine ban for years, and has been deeply involved in the issue; she simply misspoke in referring to ‘magazines’ when she should have referred to ‘clips,’ which cannot be reused because they don’t have a feeding mechanism,” Johnson said. “Quite frankly, this is just another example of opponents of common-sense gun violence prevention trying to manipulate the facts to distract from the critical issue of keeping our children safe and keeping killing machines out of the hands of disturbed individuals. It’s more political gamesmanship that stands in the way of responsible solutions.”


      1. I suppose this is *technically* true. Ironically, if we were as bad as they say we are, they wouldn’t be around to say we were that bad.

    1. Juiliet Johnson doesn’t seem to understand how these things work either. I’ve helped my dad cram bullets into clips for one of his rifles.

  11. If you are in Colorado and you want to help on the state level (DeGette is national) – I’ve started a campaign to undo the magazine limits (HB 13-1224). My final language has just been mailed in to the Secretary of State. We are currently fundraising and seeking volunteers.


    On FB @

    Repeal HB 1224
    Put it to the People

    1. What kind of volunteer work do you need? Also, can you work on petitions to get recall elections on all the morons who voted for the bills?

  12. I bet she meant when all the ammo is gone, “ban that first”. Then you cannot reload magazines…. Not defending this moron. They are slippery slim balls. I just picking the worst case.

  13. She and Diane Fienstein should have a tea party together. And the Mad Hatter would definitely be one of their guests.

  14. Even their explanation of CLIPS is wrong, clips as in “stripper clips” CAN be reloaded.
    She and Fienstein SHOULD have a tea party and play Russian Roulette, no mags, no clips and no magazine-clips involved.

  15. 2 clicks on Wikipedia, and they would have enough information to not look like an ignorant doorknob.
    And we’re talking two entries! It isn’t that hard!

  16. Just a few words to live by:
    It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool…
    Than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!
    This woman has left no one any doubt that she is an idiot and should be removed from office. I hope the people that voted for her understand the seriousness of their mistake.

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