Remember, it was Lavrentiy Beria, Stalin’s secret police chief, show famously said “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.”

Olberman hasn’t told you exactly what crime Trump committed.

Olberman is simply offended by Trump, wants to retroactively criminalize his behavior, then put Trump, his family, his staffers and supporters, and his staffers’ and supporters’ families in prison.

The Left does not believe in a justice system.  They believe in a legal system that is entirely political and partisan in nature.

Riot with Antifa and you get a free pass to throw Molotov Cocktails at police and federal buildings.

Support a Republican presidential administration and do your job in a legal fashion, they will find something to convict you of and throw you away forever.

Here is the thing that they are missing.  They expect us to play by the rules while they break them.

When the Left goes whole-hog on fabricating crimes to put Trump supporters away and they prove that the legal system exists only as a partisan weapon, we will no longer play by the rules.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “The Soviet Spirit is live and well in the US Left. Pt. 2”
  1. we will no longer play by the rules

    I’d like to believe this, but I don’t. The right doesn’t riot or destroy or shoot up congressional baseball teams. It’s the same kind of wishful thinking that leads people to believe police officers won’t enforce the laws they’re ordered to enforce.

    We go to work, pay our taxes while complaining about it, and whine on the internet about such and such abuse of the constitution… but as long as we can buy food at the grocery store, pay the mortgage, and put a little in the 401k, nothing is going to happen.

    We still have Obamacare, and that was the most animated the right has been in my lifetime.

    We still have Roe v Wade, despite 40 years of the right complaining about it.

    We don’t have the religious zealotry that the left does. Trump (the man) is the closest thing we’ve had to a leader that fights and he’s hated by the party he theoretically leads. Andrew Breitbart had the fire we need in 10,000 activists but 8 1/2 years after he died I don’t see it from anyone else.

    Oh, and to the guy who reads this and starts typing a “speak for yourself” reply, be sure to include the personal sacrifices you yourself have made to resist the left before telling me how wrong I am.

    1. I have quoted this before:

      “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

      You are right that the right just sort of takes it. And you are right that there are a lot of cops that will obey any illegal order because of a paycheck. We also see cops like the Sheriffs in NY that are disobeying Cuomo’s lockdown enforcement.

      We know we cannot take bullets back. We know the media will slander us and corrupt prosecutors and judges will stack the system against us.

      That why we can’t do to them what Antifa does to us.

      I watch a clip like this and the thoughts I have about Olbermann I cannot share.

      We know that the only way we will win is to get them all, that is something we are not prepared to do until we are at our most dire.

      When the Dems get to the point that they are dragging registered Republicans out of their homes to send to camps for bring Trump supporters, we know we have nothing left. We are all dead men walking, just waiting for the knock on our door.

      It will take getting there before we stop playing by the rules, but I don’t think we will walk into the camps because we know how that will end.

      1. By the time they’re dragging people to the camps they’ll have limited you to 5 rounds per year of .22lr.

        And as a great man once said (paraphrasing): “We don’t have to worry about the camps, we’re at the top of the list. They’ll come get us the first night.”

    2. Wizard:

      Unfortunately, you are not wrong. You are pretty much correct.

      You need look no further than the Republicans that are either silent about the irregularities in the 2020 election, or are actively telling President to just accept it and concede. For some reason they seem to think that going along to get along is something that will work.

      There are a lot of reasons why those on the conservative side of the aisle do not lay it all on the line, but would be very excited to see someone who does. Jobs, family, too much to lose, thinking it will not be so bad and they can live with it, whatever.

      On the other hand, your average antifa/BLM rioter is not really risking anything, aside from the small chance they will get physically harmed. Arrest? No a danger, the DA will refuse to file charges, loss of job? what job? Family? Nope they are single. It is easy for the left who act like children most of the time anyway to get all soviet on the right. Even Olbermann, regardless of how outrageous his statements are, will receive no blowback from it.

  2. ^^^^This

    Trump is a fighter, but all I heard from a lot of “republicans” is that they don’t like his tweets.

    The right is comprised of individualists, who by definition aren’t really interested in organizing together. If the tables were turned here, the left would have doxxed every state legislator and there’d be 1000 people in front of their homes every night, for intimidation purposes. But i see none of that action from the right. We’re too busy going to work, checking our 401k balances, and commenting on the few internet site that are still allowed to function by our tech overlords.

    Our only successes, with the Tea Party in 2010 and Trump in 2016, came about only because the left underestimated us, and didn’t have the cheating machine primed. And in both cases they were only temporary victories.

        1. Correct the injustice to your personal satisfaction, make sure there are no witnesses, and NEVER talk about it.

  3. Does he sound like the pro regime Lewis Prothero in V for Vendetta to anyone else? They always try to blame the Right but it is always the Left that imposes on people.

  4. These guys like Olbermann are pretty thick. Ends justify the means, never thinking that someone else will ooze out of the woodwork to annihilate him and his kind. As I recall, no one knew about Stalin when it all started. Yet, a few years later, useful idiots, like him, were rounded up and cut down. That monster will most surely come for him eventually.

    They also don’t appear to understand the light switch thing.

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