It is over and it was bloodless. If the Stabucks Facebook page is any indication, the buycott kicked the boycott’s ass so hard anti gunners will be defecating via their belly buttons. The National Gun Victims Action Council (a spinoff of the Brady Campaign with really bad math & statistics training), organized the boycott but failed to make a dent. A buycott surged via grassroots in blogs, Twitter and Facebook and people flocked to buy coffee, pastries and other minutia while carrying a gun were permitted.The beatdown was so severe that the NGVAC hasn’t even bothered to follow up or update their website with results.

About the only ones still resisting and mostly posting crap in the Starbuck’s Facebook page is the Ladd Everitt from the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence and some of his minions and companions. Interestingly enough, they refuse to identify themselves as anti-gun lobbyists and try to suggest they are just plain and normal concerned folks wanting to be safe drinking their coffee. The ruse didn’t work too good since they were outed from the start and that does nothing but confirm their standard tactics of lying and deceiving to further their cause.

Oh yes! I almost forgot. No “gun violence” by “crazed and unsafe gun owners” was reported at any Starbucks.

Freedom and coffee flowed freely.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

16 thoughts on “The Starbucks Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre”
  1. Ladd has at least gotten the opportunity to type “gun porn” about a thousand times on Twitter and Facebook over the last few days. That seems to really excite him, so I guess he can count that as something of a “victory.”

  2. Starbucks should change the names on their cup sizes.

    SHORT-8oz, .22 caliber— or .410 ga.
    TALL-12oz, .38 special— or .20 ga.
    GRANDE-16oz, .357 magnum— or .16 ga.
    VENTE-20OZ, .44 magnum— or .12 ga.

  3. Sadly the only thing the “boycott” did was get me to try SB again….after 2 years. Hey they actually serve something I love. White Chocolate Mocha, Venti please.

  4. I love that Carlos Murphy did not forget to rate drink sizes in both pistol and shotgun calibers. I’m “12 gauge Venti” all the way. Wow, that might just be a good moniker.

  5. Ladd keeps inserting foot in mouth…ROFL. I haven’t made a post since yesterday or the day before on my own page because I’m finding the other people handing him a complete asswhipping on the Starbucks page, every time he opens his mouth EXTREMELY entertaining.

  6. I seriously miss funny shit when I started working overnight. Poor Ladd, the tides are a changing and he’s trying to be like Moses an stopping it.

    Ain’t workin.

  7. Oh and the slaughter keeps coming as people post “gun porn” and thank you for supporting our 2nd amendment posts on the Starbucks wall. Got so distracted by the entertainment I didn’t post anything on CSCSGV for almost 2days.

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