On Monday. September 16, Joel Gilbert will preview his new documentary, “The Trayvon Hoax,” in the 500-seat Ballroom of the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. The screening begins at 1 p.m. Admission is free, and Gilbert is encouraging all interested parties to come see for themselves what could be a game-changer in the way the media report racially-charged news. Gilbert’s findings are that significant.

Gilbert has done that and more. In the course of his relentless research into the shooting and subsequent trial, I can say without risk of overstatement that he has unearthed a legal fraud the likes of which I know no parallel. Not only has Gilbert discovered it, but he has also proved it six ways from Sunday, including DNA and handwriting analysis.

The Trayvon Hoax That Divided America Is About to Be Exposed

We need to see this. For Florida, there was so much invested in this trial to bring down Stand Your Ground and Self defense laws in general, I don’t mind seeing the skeletons in the walk-in closet.

I hope they release the video in streaming at least.

Hat Tip to Roger G.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “The Trayvon Hoax That Divided America Is About to Be Exposed – American Thinker”
  1. I read the original article. It says that the video will be released on DVD, I don’t expect it to be streamed.

    1. “social media will bury it”

      I look for opportunities to talk about it — sharing links to Gilbert’s site, or to interviews, etc. — on Facebook and in Disqus forums (e.g., at The Hill [dot] com).

      Great fun! 🙂

  2. Admission is free, and Gilbert is encouraging all interested parties to come see for themselves what could be a game-changer in the way the media report racially-charged news. That’s an amazing sentence! I’m not sure I’ve read anything that out of touch with reality.

    Does he honestly think the media cares about truth and getting “racially-charged news” right? They want to advance their agenda’s story of evil white men killing young black choirboys. So much that they coined the phrase “white Hispanic” for Zimmerman to make him fit the narrative. If 10% of the media listened to his presentation, I’d be shocked.

  3. I remember when I first head about the Zimmerman/Martin situation. My wife told me about some wanna-be cop that killed some black kid in Florida. And, immediately, my BS meter pegged. The harder the media push a narrative, the higher the BS content soars.

    So, I looked into it. Within a week, maybe less, my wife went from Zimmerman is a vigilante to Zimmerman was the victim. Everything about the narrative was questionable, everything. And, turns out it was, for the most part, a fabrication.

    I want to read the book, at a minimum, see the movie. Everyone who may possibly be involved in a defense of life or property shooting should. You may possibly be the next George Zimmerman.

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