Last nite I had the chance to listen to the latest Michael Bane podcast: Hard Times Ahead. I can say we are sharing the same feeling of unease for what’s coming and it is not going to be an all-paid expenses vacation to Aruba.

This administration and some extra gamers are playing with fire…and that is not a pun. My particular opinion is that they do want a confrontation and they are thinking they will win it. Not that they might, should or pretty sure they will: They have the absolute conviction that they will come on top and reign over the ashes.

As one who has seen the same script played before with the results they expect to achieve, I must warn that this is not some banana republic or middle east camel pissoir where the local strongman huffs and puffs and people run scared.

In this country, people will shoot back.




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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “The Upcoming Storm”
  1. Funny how often our minds seem to run in the same direction at the same time. (Well, more SCARY than funny, I suppose.)

    I’m just back from a trip to Boston with my little boy, who is a huge Revolutionary War buff. We took in a lot of historical sites. The visit to Lexington, down the Battle Road to Concord, reminded me a lot of the present circumstances, and the flawed perspective that the other side might be enjoying right now. I wrote it about it here a couple of days ago.

      1. … more deceptive and treacherous. when the fight comes we shall not fight like the British, all neatly lined up in a row. We’ll fight like the revolutionists… from the trees, the hiils, the gardens, the houses. let them bring the fight to our doorsteps; I always enjoy having the home field advantage.

  2. Agreed with John. Guerrilla warfare is VERY hard to counter, and very demoralizing on the traditional army. Never know when something may happen, and the guerrillas generally choose the battlefield.

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