This is the official video of the swearing in of Admiral Levine:

At the 4:33 mark, Levine says he is proud to be the “first female four-star officer of the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.”

Except he’s not.

This is a grotesque language creep of the radical Left.

We were told that gender is unrelated to sex.  That anyone could identify as a “woman” because that was a socially defined gendered term.

Now, this person identified as a female.  Not a woman but a female.  A strictly biological term.

Under no circumstances is that remotely acceptable.

This is the highest ranking member of the USPHSCC and second highest ranking person in the Public Health Service obliterating biological reality.

Words have no meaning anymore.

We live in a dumpster fire clown world where these is only an endless present in which the Party is always right.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “The US Public Health Service is an anti-science clown show”
  1. I don’t get why you watch these lunatics and say “we”. WE have nothing to do with what they do. They choose to embrace lunacy — in the hopes others will follow them.

    I don’t, won’t live in their world, no matter how hard they insist I do. You could at least stop trying to shove me in it for them.

    1. Sorry to disagree with you but they control the popular culture which means as much as we don’t want to live in their world, we do.

      Call a transwomen a man on Twitter or Facebook and you will get in trouble.

      Do it in academia and you will get fired.

      We live in their world until we push back hard enough that we control the culture.

      1. I don’t live on Twitter, Facebook, or cacademia. I barely watch anything they produce.

        You live in their world all you want — I’ll stick to the one where men are men, women are women, and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri are small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

  2. Just another Gender Pretender.
    A LIAR. Just like all the rest.
    These freaks dont believe it themselves, what they are doing is USING it to there advantage.
    Shame is no longer a American Thing.

    America, the land of Make Believe and Pretend.

    Hopefullly it has multiple jabs.
    And is on the way to stroke, clots and death.

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