Late Sunday night I wrote the post And the War is Begun about the actions of Antifa shutting down the Portland 82nd annual Avenue of Roses Parade.

It posted this morning May 1st.

It didn’t occur to me that today was May Day, also known as the International Workers Day.  A day in which people who are historically illiterate and have shit in their souls whitewash and celebrate the murder of 100 million people in the pursuit of taking away their freedom.

Every single one of them should spend May Day in Caracas.

Well, Antifa in Portland, which is anti-capitalist and aligned with the anarchist-socialists, decided to have a protest, which turned into a riot.

Police attempted to control the crowd, but things got out of hand.  Fires were set and rocks and Pepsi cans were thrown at police.

You can see the gallery of destruction and live updates here.

It shouldn’t have gotten this bad in the first place.  Antifa should never have thought that they had the room to pull this off.

Give these people an inch and they will riot for a mile.

They know that they are winning against milquetoast police departments and are planning more and more violence accordingly.

Be safe.  Stay the hell away from these people.


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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “The war is on”
  1. As much as I hate to say it, I fear that you are right, the war is on. It looks as if the Antifa goons may be able to take places like Portland or Berkley but I hope for their sake they keep their violence in the Blue Hillary cities because out here in the fly over states law enforcement simply will not tolerate their childish antics. However law enforcement will be the least of their worries as in most rural towns and cities the veterans, farmers, and just good ole boy and girls who grew up in a gun and hunting culture–and know too well how stand your ground works–and others will not go peacefully into the night as the Antifa think they will.

  2. Reminds me of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. My bet,

    Soon the hard core activists will select themselves out to form actual terrorist cells and terrorist organizations. Just like the Weatherman Underground split off from the SDS, and the Symbionese Liberation Army from the Berkeley-San Francisco protesters.

    No, I don’t think the Antifa (whoever called them Anti First Amendment was right) are all hardcore. Many of the Antifa are posers, and wanna-bes. They just want to be the cool kids. But the true believers are watching and winnowing out the fanatics that are going to take the next steps. They will also find the rich trust fund types that will blindly provide their logistical support network. They will find a few more in the fellow travelers in the “Environmental Movement” and the Animal Rights protesters, as many of them float between these causes.

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