A shop on Etsy is selling underwear to parents of male toddlers so they can 'tuck' their child's penis. This is to help affirm the idea that their boy, in one case who had just started potty training, is really a girlhttps://t.co/zOmleoeuV4
— ripx4nutmeg (@ripx4nutmeg) March 14, 2022
Everyone who manufactures, sells, buys, or advocates the use of this or any other “gender affirming” products aimed at prepubescent children will be fed to the chipper.
Every single participant in this atrocity would be chippers and the venue burned to the ground.
This cancer must be excised from society.
Because, it’s NOT AT ALL CREEPY for ANY adult to handle a child’s genitalia, when not cleaning that child.
Nope, not creepy at all /SARC.
Though I approve of your woodchipper doctrine for its efficiency, for especially heinous people like this I like the quaint British empire custom called “Blowing from a gun.” Publicly.
Mak is good!
Sometimes you feel like feet-first, sometimes you don’t?
Rule No. 1 of chippering groomers: always feet first.
And rrreeeeeaaaalll ssllloooowwww.
“So you will purge the evil from among you.”