’20 pounds of human waste’ dropped on San Francisco street corner

The horrendous smell and sight quickly gained notoriety when a Reddit user posted a screen shot of a report made to San Francisco’s Citizen app for identifying crimes.

“Twenty pounds of feces dumped onto sidewalk,” the report called out.

Nancy Alfaro, a spokesperson for 311, says three reports of the human waste at the corner of Cedar and Polk were made to the city’s customer service number and app on Saturday.

“The customers did report a large amount of waste,” Alfaro says. “It was sent to Public Works.”

San Francisco Mayor Mark Farrell announced a plan to pick dirty needles off the streets.

Alfaro says while reports of human waste are common, this large of an amount is “not typical.”

She “has no idea” why the bag was left in the neighborhood.

I will spare you the picture, but it is a garbage bag full of shit left on a street corner.

First of all, “Alfaro says while reports of human waste are common” is the most horrifying sentence I’ve read in an article about an American city.

Even Chicago can say “Look, we may kill a lot of people but at least our criminals are potty trained.”

Seventeen dead gang members in a weekend is on thing, but a big bag of human shit is over the line.

I feel like there should be a metaphor in here somewhere.  It’s a big bag of human shit in a city that keeps electing Nancy Pelosi to Congress and her extended family to City management, but I’m not feeling witty enough right now to come up with something.

Have fun in the comments.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “There is a metaphor in here somewhere”
  1. Having lived in both Chicagoland and the San Francisco Bay Area…

    In all seriousness, Chicago’s climate helps keep the homeless issue down to a dull roar. West Coast cities mostly have climates that won’t rapidly kill you by exposure half of the year, and that makes living outside full-time year-round much more possible.

    Chicago and the Bay Area are also different flavors of Democrat machine, pardon the expression. Chicago’s is more rooted in the mob mentality, which at least values order at some level. The SF area is much more the hippy, anything-goes-it’s-all-good mentality.

  2. “Even Chicago can say “Look, we may kill a lot of people but at least our criminals are potty trained.”

    Seventeen dead gang members in a weekend is one (sic) thing, but a big bag of human shit is over the line.”

    — I have to admit, I laughed at this.

  3. What is the difference between Nancy Pelosi, and a 20 pound bag of shit?

    The bag.

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