I know she’s going to claim she was just speaking metaphorically but we all know that she’s not.

It was never just about Trump.  He was only the starting point.  Once they took him out they believe they are free to get the rest us of.

This is what they want, for there to be no surviving Trump supporters.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “There is a word for this, I think it starts with “H””
  1. It’s going to be interesting when they do what I said they want to do. Of course we won’t see the aftermath as we will be dead along with literally every single United States citizen not them. We may have the guns but they have the nukes, no value human life, the desire to exterminate every single United States citizen that voted for Trump, owns a gun, is a registered Republican, has any conservative values. And since the military brass is far left expect them to be totally onboard with the complete and total mandated extermination of all United States citizens that oppose this and the democrats in any way and would be perfectly fine with the deployment of the United States nuclear arsenal on the United States people. Your regular boots on the ground soldier would probably be appalled and turn on there own superiors as they don’t want to murder there own families, neighbors and friends. But that is easily dealt with. All members of the United state military not in full support of the complete and total extermination of the entire United States population that oppose the Democrats are to all be considered traitors and killed. That might be hard since they are of course the military but the answer is simple. Use the automated system and a few extremists and deploy nuclear weapons on the United States military. Of course there is no going back but why would they bother to stop when the goal is the literal complete and total mandated extermination of all human life in the United States that oppose them in any way shape or form or don’t even think like them? Some democrats may oppose but the answer is simple: kill them too. The only living humans will be a few thousand far leftists that will have all the power. And to them if killing all human life in the United States minus themselves is needed to stay on power that is an acceptable action to take.

    I wonder what the extermination of all human life in the United states at the hand of the democrats will teach the rest of the world. I wonder how that event is going to shape the history of the human race moving forward?

    My self admitted insane hyperbole does not sound so insane anymore does it?

    1. I suspect you may be overestimating things, but maybe not. I like to use Matthew Bracken as the worst case hypothesis, which means not quite as bad as what you figure.
      One observation is that it’s hard to nuke flyover country given that this is where food comes from. If the left want to freeze in the dark and go without food, sure.
      The other observation is what Bracken points out: you don’t resist the forces of evil by a head on attack but by taking action against the leaders behind the scenes.

  2. Good luck with that. Deploying nukes on America wont just affect us deplorables. We the People are the largest standing army in the world. Liberals are 26% of the population. When this election mess is over we need to start acting like they are insignificant When Trump gives up I will live life just like before. I am keeping the faith. Yall need to do the same.

  3. Ms. Rubin’s masturbatory fantasies, may not work out IRL, the way they do when she is cosplaying being a badass.

    When you tell people that you are going to kill them, and their families, I suppose the prospect of “war crimes trials” is much less intimidating.

    Salt the earth.

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