By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on ““There is my Biden sign! I am on your side!””
  1. Opinion:
    Does not happen enough, or to enough people.

    I noted in an earlier comment that the people voting for Biden and what the Dems are representing will not understand the consequences of that action until they have to live with them.

    Unfortunately, they will drag down all the people with enough foresight to learn from other’s mistakes long before they have to suffer those consequences.

    Final note:
    “Asking people to be peaceful is white supremacy”
    and, my personal favorite:
    “We don’t need white people to speak for black people” when 90% of the people in the protest are white.

  2. Just like in the Gulag archipelago “the organs must be fed“.

    They got what they voted for. We will all be dead, killed by the federal government after all guns are banned and they mandate the extermination of all United States citizens that possess a firearm. They don’t have to worry about elections anymore; they can just manufacture more and more ballots until they win. By that time they will be put up against the wall and machine gunned or put in the gulags. If the Democrats just don’t go straight for the nukes. Something they REALLY want to do since there endgoal is the Complete and total extermination of every single United States citizen that opposes them even if it means killing the entire United States population. And to them that would actually be the preferable outcome. After all you can just replace 300 million citizens with 300 million immigrants. Just make sure none of them are white or Jewish.

  3. The largest gun store in Houston has a working Gatling gun for sale ($30,000). If I sale some stock I could buy it, but then I’d be wishing for a crowd to come to my house and start trash talking me. I’d probably end up putting an ad in the paper, taunting BLM and Antifa, and give my address.

      1. At the bookstore I occasionally pick up a copy of the magazine Home Shop Machinist — for people who do metalworking as a hobby. That may be small scale (with machinery such as what is sold by Sherline) or full size (with regular machine shop gear, though typically old ones — like my 1930s lathe).
        One ad I remember seeing in pretty much every issue is plans (or perhaps a kit, I don’t remember) for a .22 LR Gatling gun. That would give you firepower to intimidate most goblins, at low ammo cost and in a comparatively small and light weight package.

        1. I actually saw a kit for the .22LR Gatling made out of Ruger 10/22s. Would have to search for it again, but if you have few of those lying around, and want to do something fun….

          And, here it is:

          Granted, it is only two barrels, but I am sure someone with a bit of knowledge could up that to four, eight, or 16.

    1. You meant through a door. And you will not be able to do that as all private gun ownership will be illegal and legislation will be passed making it legal for them to break into your home, loot and burn it down and murder you and your entire family while At the same time making it illegal and punishable by death of you resist or fight back in any way.

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