From the Trump Accountability Project:

“Those who elected him.”

That means you the voter.

They want to destroy your ability to work because you voted for Trump.

Even after the Civil War were former confederate soldiers not treated this way.

To do this would be the end of the republic.  We can’t survive when “destroy the people who voted for the loser in the election” is the norm.


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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “They are out to get you”
  1. “To do this would be the end of the republic. We can’t survive when “destroy the people who voted for the loser in the election” is the norm.”

    That is the openly stated and intended goal. At least publicly. What they are really after in this regard though are kangaroo courts that always result in the verdict that Trump supporters are to be executed. Then when they get enough power pass legislation mandating all United States citizens that voted for Trump to be exterminated.

  2. At this point, I think we need to accept that the left are who they keep showing us they are, and start acting accordingly. No more “well, they didn’t REALLY mean that” or “that’s just one journalist” or “they’re speaking METAPHORICALLY”.

    They say they want a “Truth & Reconciliation Committee”? Believe them. They say they want us “re-educated”? Believe them. And when they start coming door to door to accomplish it, make them uncertain if they’ll return alive.

    I, for one, have no desire to write about the American Gulag Archipelago forty years from now.

  3. “Even after the Civil War were former confederate soldiers not treated this way.”

    Except the Outlaw Josey Wales.

  4. Yes “they” want us dead. But yall forgetting somethin’. Theres a bleep bleepin YUGE load more of “us” than them…. ya some of us might get hit. But let them start it and see

  5. You know, I’m old and cranky. And I see prison as a viable retirement plan. Not a great plan, but viable.

    They probably should know how many of me there are around before talking so tough.

  6. It’s kind of funny how they keep saying stuff like this, when in fact the election very nicely illustrated that the Democrats are only barely a majority at this point (if you accept that appearances are accurate). They certainly aren’t, say, 90% of the country talking about “dealing with” a problematic 10%. We’re talking like 48/52% at best. While it’s certainly not IMPOSSIBLE for 52% to tyrannize 48% (if they have the power, 5% can crush 95%), it’s not obvious that they are in any position to do so. So they demand that “we” don’t hire Republicans? So, maybe all those fired and blacklisted Republicans can get jobs with the other 70,000,000 conservatives. You could make an entire economy out of just the 70,000,000 who voted for Trump, even if you assumed that every single other person in the US was against them, even though only 70,000,000 voted for Harris. And that is not likely. The fact that they say these things is an admission on their part that they ARE the ones in power, who control the most influential corporations, the government, the education system, the media, etc. That is funny when they pretend most of the time be “grassroots” and “speaking truth to Power”, “striving against the system”. IF they have any chance of pulling this off, it’s because they ARE the system. But it won’t work anyway, until they’ve refused to grant conservatives Work Permits, or Traveling Permits, cut them off from Ration Cards, made them subject to special, stricter laws, etc. And if they went that far, it would be a great way to solidify opposition.
    Most likely it’s just politics. To win at politics it’s important to LOOK like you are winning. So bluffing loudly, presenting yourself as the solid American Majority who has the ability and the moral duty to suppress this wicked Minority of immoral conservatives, it will attract more supporters to their side. People will assume what they say is true: if they SOUND like the solid majority, those representing “The Real America”, many people will support them and see conservatives as the deluded minority.

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