First this from CNN:

He goes to bed at 7:00 pm and goes to work at 9:00 am.

Then this:

Remember the famous Hillary Clinton 3:00 am ad?

The answer in 2021 is clearly “Kamala Harris.”

They are just letting us know that America just elected an old man who is on his way into retirement.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “They are telling us that Biden is on his way out”
  1. I respectfully disagree w “…an old man who is on his way into retirement.” More accurate would be who is in semi-retirement”

  2. Lying Kamala will end up replacing Creepy Joe? You don’t say. Shocker. Nobody saw that coming. Etc. /sarc


  3. MiniMe,

    When Kamalalala Harris takes over, there are going to be a lot of dumbfounded Democrat voters. They voted for Good Ole Joe Biden.

    I intend to laugh at and mock the idiots unmercifully.

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