Via Legal Insurrection I got to read this long article from The Atlantic which tries to explain that a an Francisco Porch Pirate is not really at fault for stealing Amazon packages from people’s stoops and that this new era of inexpensive surveillance and neighborhoods sick with crime is somehow at a bigger fault than sweeping thousands of dollars of merchandise.

Do away with all the social justice BS and concentrate on the criminal.

She thought the packages would be replaced by Amazon and other senders, so her gain wouldn’t be her neighbors’ loss. “That’s what eased my conscience taking someone’s property, because I’m not a bad person, it was just a bad choice,” she told me. “I was in a desperate state.”

As he starts filming, Arnold confronts Fairley in a neighbor’s stairwell, holding some sort of paper. “So what’s going on?” Arnold asks, authoritatively. “We’ve got plenty of photos and videos of you stealing things up and down this street.”
“You don’t have me stealing nothing,” Fairley snipes back. He asks if her name is Ganave. She says it’s Jessica. “I pass out flyers every day over here,” she insists—from Nextel (which closed years earlier)—and adds, “Just because I’m African American don’t mean I can’t pass out flyers!”

In November, a cam caught a lithe woman who looked like Fairley crawling up a home’s steps to seize a fat Amazon pouch of lug nuts, a rosary dangling from her neck. Two weeks later, neighbors were gardening on a shared strip of land when Fairley passed by balancing a long lamp box on her shoulder. (Fairley claimed that the box contained her own headboard and lampshade.) Seeing an address written in big letters for a home in the opposite direction, one of them grabbed the box and demanded to see an ID to prove Fairley lived there. A second man called 911 as a woman videoed Fairley’s ensuing tirade: “That’s why people get shot. You don’t pull somebody’s package off their fucking arm,” Fairley snapped, then stalked off.

What else will you find in the article? That she failed to appear in court several times, go rearrested and allowed to go back out again and this went on for a couple of years.  That her kid was raised in her morals and is now on his way to be irredeemably corrupted. And finally that she will probably be back doing the same thing soon after she stops wearing orange.

Is the system at fault? Yes, but not because of millionaires but because California Justice is based on celebrating themselves about how merciful they are to the “downtrodden.” They are addicted to their own politics and cannot bear the idea of actually solving crime because it would end the supply of Social Justice Endorphins.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “They do not think like regular people.”
  1. Amusing that the thief is the one talking about shooting people, and the reporter passes that statement by without comment. Had one of the victims said that, it would have been the focus of the story.

    Anyway, simple solution: require cash up front for NarcAnon.

  2. Most interesting piece of falsehood, that the porch pirate probably actually believes is 100% true:

    “She thought the packages would be replaced by Amazon and other senders, so her gain wouldn’t be her neighbors’ loss.”

    I guess if you steal from a large faceless company, no one gets hurt. Well… expect for the large faceless company, their suppliers, their employees, UPS and USPS, the packaging companies, and most importantly, the end consumer. Someone is absorbing the cost of your theft.

    It is exactly the same mindset that got us Obamacare, welfare, etc… Just because someone else is paying for it does not make it free.

    1. Also the same line of thought that brings you universal basic income. The money has to come from somewhere, either present (aka someone else’s taxes) or future (aka government debt, which will come due eventually).

  3. Re a post a few days ago, if any of these packages are worth less than $950 isn’t it a – basically – non-prosecutable misdemeanor? Or is that only shoplifting from a bricks’n’mortar store?

    Hm… I wonder if “I’m shoplifting from Amazon, not stealing from my neighbor” would be a defense a California jury would buy.

    I also have to wonder how much of Amazon’s Locker program came out of wanting to lower expenses for replacing packages in situations like this.

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