By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “They want you dead: Effing Old People!”
  1. Spencer sounds deranged. California sounds like a good match for him as a home, at least the LA San Francisco parts. I may be getting up there, but I fully intend to be around in four, eight, twelve years and beyond. Longevity runs in the family.

  2. I find it highly doubtful that this manchild never wanted to go to Disneyworld…

    And you know damn well he doesn’t want to visit Oregon, he wants to visit Portland (but only the spots west of NE 33rd and east of NW 10th).

  3. Dear Spencer, 55 isn’t old, also Oregon has enough left wing nut jobs so stay the hell away from my already beleaguered state.

  4. I’ve lived in Red states and Blue states. Each has their ups and downs. On balance I prefer Red states
    Apparently so does business. His hatred for Red states is entirely based on prejudice and elitism. But then again, that’s all the Left have.

  5. The five states with the largest African-American populations are Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, Maryland, and South Carolina.

    He just said he wants nothing to do with them and that no one else should ever want to live there either.

    He clearly hates black people.

    (Incidentally, the United States Virgin Islands has a population that is over 70% African-American – by far the “blackest” polity in the entire republic. They don’t cast electoral ballots, but do participate in party primaries. Joe Biden won 91.27% of the 2020 Democratic Primary vote there: 502 votes out of 552 for the total field. The GOP didn’t have any primary challengers to incumbent Trump in 2020, but back in 2016, a total of 1,627 votes were cast in the GOP primary… Make of that math what you will.)

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