Via Clayton Cramer.

Click to enlarge

This is pure Nazi-Style propaganda right smack in the pages of the Washington Post disguised as “journalism.”

Now, you have to understand that this was not a mistake or a crazy post in Social Media by some weirdo. This was printed in the Washington Post with the benediction of the Editors who gave it the green light to be printed and distributed.

This is what they think about you and what should happen to you.

We are headed to water the tree.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

15 thoughts on “They want you dead: What do you do to rats?”
  1. Keep your powder dry. Stay out of areas you cant carry. Carry spare mags and spare GUNS. be happy that most of these asshats live in thier little bubble world and when they get out in the REAL world We the People out number them 3-1.

  2. Oh and what happened to “we need to unify”?????
    I actually dont really care what these stupid people say, they have no idea who they are messin with, We the People. America.

    1. They hate us too much to keep up the facade for more than a week. They’ve always wanted all of us dead.

  3. I keep hoping that this isn’t happening. People like Tam are laughing when we point out the signs. I don’t WANT to be right, but I fear that I am.

      1. “And most people have not seen violence and its consequences up and close…”


        Ask Dive Medic, or Capt. Pilecki (I assume the good Captain does road calls in addition to transfers). Even outside of .mil, occasionally folks get to see (and bandage, and mop up, and so forth) the effects of violence.

        It has convinced me (a) that I want no part of it IRL.

        And (b) that I will NOT stand idly by, and watch it be delivered to me and mine. “Tis far better to give, than to receive”.

  4. I have canceled my WaPo subscription because of this. Fifteen years ago, I received five daily newspapers: Detroit News, Detroit Free Press, Wall Street Journal, NYT, WaPo… and the Jerusalem Post on Sundays. But I’ve been down to just one for a couple years now.

    But as of today, with the WaPo canceled, I’m at zero.

    1. We are still from the era of having a paper subscription meant a level of maturity and adulthood.

      Now simply is paying for the “privilege” of having lies and hate delivered to your door in an old school printing format.

      1. The only paper i get delivered is the Epoch times. Good articles. Sadly the posty who delivers my mail scowls everytime they hand it over.

    2. WSJ is still decent. I remain a bit worried but as of a few months ago the new publisher is on record supporting the independence of the editorial pages.

    3. I get free online access to the Wappo with my work email, but I feel ya. I went the other direction, and joined the comments as I Am The Rat (translated, of course).

  5. If we are forced to accept a stolen election then it’s going to be scorched Earth from the partisans…if these asshats think the patriots are going to take this lying down they’re wrong. I see piano wire neckties coming back into style for the petty dictators at state level and a fiery end for the traitorous national political elite.

  6. Every time I hear some Republican saying that we just need to move on from the election irregularities (I am looking your way McConnell, Murkowski, Romney, and Collins….) all I think is “they are coming for you next.”

    Compare and contrast the sides of the political aisle.
    When a single individual who is even remotely aligned with the right commits a violent act, EVERY SINGLE leftist demands, DEMANDS that every conservative politician publicly condemn the actions of this individual.
    Yet, when a leftist equates conservatives with rats, or advocates for re-education camps, or outright calls for their removal from Congress, no one asks those on the left to condemn those actions.

    It’s not surprise the left thinks they can get away with it. Because they can.

  7. If you think it looks bad from here, stay out of the Wappo’s comments on that page. The general theme (besides “You did a good job!” for the artist and agreeing with the sentiment) seems to read along “didn’t go far enough”.

    I reported four or five, myself, for such sentiments as “give ’em rat poison” and “There’s a lot more idiot Trumper rats in the midwest that sold their souls to Trump. We need to turn a bunch of cats and pythons loose to deal with the infestation.”

    To the Wappo’s credit, reporting things as “Hate-Speech” and incitement to commit murder did get the “pythons” comment taken down in short order.

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