So last night I feel something go “bump” on the roof and not softly. Then, some movement. What the heck? Cats are not that noisy and I doubt dogs can levitate. Properly equipped, I stepped outside and clicked on my flashlight:
Somebody needs to lose some weight and learn how to properly land.
The moment the Migratory Birds Act is finally cancelled, I am getting me a punt gun, clean the neighborhood and feed the local soup kitchen with aviary protein. Stepping almost daily in duck crap is annoying, but crash landing in my roof at Oh Dark Hundred is pushing it.
Try having a flock of geese do a running take-off from the roof of a steel building.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but that looks like a Muscovy Duck. They are endemic were I live. The smelly and multi-color duck crap they spew, ad hoc, is disgusting. My walkway has been an obstacle course on occasion. In the Florida statutes they are called “nuisance Muscovy Ducks.” I may be wrong, but I believe the law allows for their “humane” demise.
Yup, I have the same ordeal here. The Muscovy is in the Federal list of protected migratory birds. The feces are full with E coli so the best bet is get the county health authorities to get them removed. I know our HOA does it regularly…
And attracting birds of prey also help, specially after hatching.
HOA? I’d rather listen to a Hillary speech than belong to one of those. What if I’m my own HOA? I’m in unincorporated Miami-Dade County…
Then you need to hire an animal removal service because even the Muscovies are to be removed according to FWC’s instructions and permits… yes even in your frigging land.