And suddenly there are no riots in the Country for a second night in a row.

Try find one.  With the exception of a small tussle with a dozen idiots in a corner of Normandy Avenue  L.A (I know that sounds familiar to some of you) that lasted as much as a fart in a hurricane,  all demonstrations last couple of nights have been sans-violence and even providing an ASL translator in Rochester.

Interesting, huh?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “Think about this: Riots make the Democrats’ Poll Numbers drop.”
  1. I think is to late to make a difference for them, they have already been linked to BLM and Antifa in most peoples minds.

  2. Damn that Trump!:His damned riots have been damaging democrat poll numbers, pushing him closer to re-election, and normals start to blame democrats for his right wing Antifa/blm street shenanigan’s, and, all of a sudden, he stops them!

    And, how about Trump having them exclusively in democrat run cities, in democrat run states! That bastard!

    (Sarcasm off)

  3. Heh… welp, isn’t that a timely coinkydink. RME

    In the immortal words of Enid Strict (aka. The Church Lady): “Well, isn’t THAT convenient.”

  4. Honestly I think there’s three reasons why you haven’t seen riots in portland the last two nights
    1: The fires. The smoke is heavy and people are being evacuated. Even some of the protest accounts that I have been paying attention to are saying “eff this, I’m out. I gotta take care of me right now.:
    2. The Oregon State Police were federally deputized as US Marshals and have been making dozens of targeted arrests each night. Those folks don’t get immediately released on bail, so there’s probably 100 or so fewer instigators out there
    3. The “press bloc” aka antifa twitterers and livestreamers are now being targeted by the “black bloc” because there’s this feeling that the livestreamers are endangering the rioters by not blurring faces. “Kill the Press” was recently spraypainted at one of the protest sites, and then that molotov cocktail was thrown into the press bloc that night.

  5. Wizardpc: one can only pray that your analysis, particularly points 2 & 3, are spot on.

    And, may those assholes roll over on each other so rapidly, that the Earth’s slows measurably in rotation, from all the gyroscopic force they generate!

  6. Whether it was an intentional move or not, Trump outmanuvered the leftists again by letting them show the nation what they really are…..I suspect we’ll see the rioting coming back after the election and we’ll definitely see fire and ice at the inaugeration on Jan.20….

    1. I check Twitter for certain cities (usual suspects) and also several livestream aggregators in Youtube.

      Nothing in the last couple of days but that little incident in L.A.

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