By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

32 thoughts on “This ammo thing is getting silly”
  1. Wow. The worst I’ve seen is .52/ round for brass from SGammo, and they sold out. Their prices have always been fair so I assume they’re paying 2x for what they can get, too. Target Sports still has their old prices up, but they’ve been sold out forever. If I didn’t have any I’d charge .10/round.
    Private sellers here are asking .45/ round for a few boxes.

  2. I have cut my training to once a month, limited to one box of .22LR. I am holding the rest of my ammo in reserve for what I am afraid is coming. I have zeroed in all of my optics with warshots, and I am now holding on to what I have.

    1. I had my first range day in weeks (covid and no longer going to the area where the range actually is. All the local ranges are private.) I sighted in a number of rifles. Since some of them had iron and optics, that had to be done twice. Took about 90 rounds. Ok, it took 82 rounds. I finished with two mag dumps. with 2 rounds remaining in the first magazine, and 6 in the last mag. I looked at the 2 loaded mags on the table and put them away. Kyle might need them.

  3. It is getting to the point where I am sorely tempted to turn my firearms collection and ammo stores into a Porsche Cayman S and a new truck.

    Trying to train or even enjoy my hobby has become an arduous and expensive pain in the ass . . . a nice, spirited drive through the country and up through the bourbon trail would be a lot more enjoyable at this point.

  4. This is like the “high end ammo” website crowd. The ammo stores here are limiting 1or 2 boxes at a time.
    Only good thing is we are selling tons of guns to new people. 3.8 million NICS checks in July

  5. “Hoarder: The asshole who bought before you did.”

    :::Raises hand::: 😀

    Been considering doing something (in a smaller scale) similar to what Ragnar_D mentioned and selling a few hundred rounds of selected calibers. Daddy needs a new lappity-tappity box device thing. 😉

  6. I dropped $20 for a box of 50 9mm rounds and five raffle tickets at my FLFS*.

    *friendly local firearm store

    1. .38 special? I can’t find any. I bought a case back in February before it got really bad. I should’ve bought more. 357 magnum you can usually find If you look really really hard but it’s $.50 a pop on a good day.

      When Trump won in 2016 with the money I would’ve used to buy another AR-15 I got a 686+ with a 6 inch barrel. A newer model with the lock but it’s still my favorite handgun that I own. Looks amazing with the Altamont silverback conversion grips. Second place goes to my Colt Series 70. And finding that was a chore because they only make like 2000 a year. However .45acp is not super hard to find. One of the stores I go to seems to get it consistently. I buy a couple boxes every paycheck.

    2. .38 special is every bit as scarce as 9mm in my area. Fortunately it’s an easy round to hand load and I scored some primers in June and a large box of bullets last week and pistol powder is easier to find

  7. No issue here. I use .40S&W.

    Of course xm193 is going for 80 cents a pop sucks. At the rate those prices are going .50BMG is going to a more reasonable alternative.

    Going to get a can of 7.62x54R next paycheck.

  8. Cheaper than dirt (they need to change their name) had Armcor 9mm for 55.00 a box of 50 last week. I bought some in January, 1200rds for $207.

  9. Good thing I reload. I have, calculated by weight, just over 900 rounds of 124gr. LRN 9mm. in an ammo box, and that does not include whats in my 12 and 17 round magazines. IIRC, it cost me about 13¢ each to load.

    1. Reloading isn’t going to help you this time. No primers to be had. If you say that you had all of the needed components in stock, that is no different than simply stockpiling ammo.

      1. 2500 CCI 200 LRP and 2000 CCI 400 SRP on hand. I have some powder on hand, but limited brass as I haven’t shot a lot lately, too darn hot and humid. I reuse all my brass.
        Two ammo boxes full of 308Win/7.62X51, two ammo boxes full of .223 and 5.56, one ammo box full of 300BLK and a few plastic containers with 303 British, 30-06 API, ball and soft point and 350 legend. Some containers of custom load Match Ammo in .223/5.56 and subsonic 300BLK. Suppressors for both the 5.56 and 300BLK. Ammo box of 20 Gauge shells. Over 1500 rounds of .22LR.
        I’m good. For now.
        Cheaper than buying commercial ammo which I haven’t bought in years except for the .22LR.

      2. a box of bullets, a can of powder and a box of primers takes up less room than 1000 rds of ammo and costs less too.
        and after you shoot the ammo, you can do it again.

  10. Looks like this is a good time for me to sell the (mostly full) box of Blazer Brass 9mm that I can’t use because it isn’t crimped to speak of.

  11. this has been the plan for a long time…Greatly reduce the inventory of ammunition and available guns during the election season…It will be very difficult to get the numbers back to where they were…Prices of guns and ammo will skyrocket and remain that way

  12. I invested in a laser training cartridge for each of my calibers. I’m keeping my skills honed while husbanding my actual ammo for the time when I need to fire more than photons…

  13. I’m not really surprised. Experienced shooters soon learn to keep a modest stockpile of ammunition just for such events. I shoot regularly and I have enough to support my practice for about a year at regular rates. Longer if I stretch it out.

    I also practice using Airsoft guns. They’re surprisingly accurate and I don’t have to leave the house.

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